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Comments or lack there of!

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Started by #448585 at 24,Feb,14 21:53
Why is it hardly anyone comments on my page or pictures? It's always private msg. Tell me why, please!

Similar topics: 1.Why do women never comment on my pics???   2.THANK YOU!   3.Newly bicurious guy-never done anything because of lack of opportunity   4.MEMBERS ARE DROPPIN BECAUSE   5.SKITTLE PITTLES  

New Comment

By slipper at 28,Feb,14 05:53 other posts of slipper 
Some have had perfectly positive comment deleted by the page/pic owner and it's cost them points... so, if in doubt they pass... like a guy commenting on "straight's" pix, for example.

By #445126 at 26,Feb,14 12:12
Some people never respond to comments and that discourages people. A compliment is a very valuable thing and if people take the time to comment, we all should take the time to thank and/or comment back. If you're straight and a man compliments you, it won't emasculate you of you thank him!
By bella! at 26,Feb,14 12:45 other posts of bella! 
I agree with your post, at least 99% of it. I think it is important for members to acknowledge the comments received. In doing so, it is quite possibly you will acquaint yourself someone you're not aware of or familiar with. To reciprocate on a comment, no, I don't agree. I only comment on pictures that 'speak' to me.

By #289712 at 25,Feb,14 09:45
I hardly get either. Guess lack of interaction. I try to talk to people. Dunno guess I'm doing it wrong. Perhaps I've misinterpreted the site dynamics.

By #447569 at 25,Feb,14 00:10
Post some pictures. You only have 3 and one of them is too dark. Do some close ups.

By gradurgaur at 24,Feb,14 22:36 other posts of gradurgaur 
I have comment on your pics my friend...
you have very nice cock and very hot body...

Adult Discussion Forum