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Read my Blog please then answer WOMEN does girth matter that much?

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Started by #536387 at 14,Jun,17 23:28
My blog on my profile explains a lot more and why this isn't a typical guy and penis size question. If you have five minutes please check it out and my photos and then if you would answer back here. The blog just explains where I am coming from. Just looking for honest answers.

Similar topics: 1.Women please answer, Is the girth of the dick important to you?   2.GIRTH   3.Story section   4.Do you like sex toys?   5.Girth not legth  

New Comment

By #6568 at 01,Jul,17 09:00
OK, I read it all, some of it twice... some thoughts in no order, just as I thought of them;

1) You are a nice man who is kind, thoughtful and probably very loving to a woman,...also intelligent and possibly quite sensitive (maybe TOO sensitive) Compared to a lot of men you are excellent partner material for woman who values your type.

2) She is not honest with you and has not been over the years....but she may have the best motives for this, such as trying to be kind and caring with you.

3) She should have had a conversaion with you about what she actually, REALLY needs sexually to be fullfilled on a regualar basis.....it may not just be to be 'filled up' vaginally, it may be something else that is 'symbolised' by fullness of penetration.....She may need to be dominated or a greater sense of being 'taken' or made to perform sexually. It's interesting that she enjoyed riding you with her on top. There are ways to really 'stretch' a woman during penetration if that is really what she needs ut she must tell you in detail for you(or any man) to really be effective.

4) It's interesting that your photos on your page all appear to be of you soft.....only one pic seems to be partially erect. To get good advice here you need some erect shots from different angles.

5) There ARE some VERY effective excercises to increase base thickness.....this is another subject but you can message me if you wish.

6) Don't worry about the few replies that you have received here as many members are neither interested or ab le to comment intelligently (however, there ARE some very clever, kind and knowledgeable people here )

7) If you have broken up with 'her' you need to get on with life and get to feel confident and happy about yourself.....you won't forget what's happened but you do need to get it sorted out and filed away so that it does not hold you back from other relationships etc.....I know only too well th ekind of damage tha can hppen fromm women as that's really why I came here to 'display' and it has been very helpful to me.

If you two do wnat to get back togetether she MUST level with you and your need to take sex to another level of intimacy...ideally she should masturbate in front of you so you can get to see her true sexual nature, not just what she feels she can show you.....

By #536387 at 16,Jun,17 00:16
I'm surprised I haven't gotten any feedback... Hmm
--------------------------------------- added after 360 hours

By admin at 01,Jul,17 01:39 other posts of admin 
You should use paragraphs, without them it's kinda hard to read a wall of text.

This is a sincere advice, not mocking.

Adult Discussion Forum