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Best way to get hair off ur balls

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Started by #386838 at 30,May,13 06:28
How do y'all get hair from your balls with out damaging them?

Similar topics: 1.Should I shave all of my pubic hair off?   2.keep your hair natural!   3.pubic hair for men   4.Best way to remove hair   5.Hair removal, shaving  

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By bikev at 05,Jun,13 08:07 other posts of bikev 
I use MAGIC hair remover. Manufactured for black guys who have ingrowing hair on their faces. Can be bought on e bay. Try a small area first. DO NOT apply any lotion after as that will sting.

By spermkiss at 03,Jun,13 21:16 other posts of spermkiss 
Back in the days when I shaved, I used the same razor I used on my face. Then I went with the permanent solution and had it all removed with a lasor. All of it from my navel down and around to above my anus.

To answer your question about hair removal from your balls, if you use a razor do it carefully. Stretch the skin tight.

Ironically, ball shaving is were most guys begin their below the waist grooming, but it is the most difficult area to shave. But once you start and you find out how good it feels, it's hard to stop until you're completely hairless.

By #385990 at 30,May,13 07:38
waxing is the best way.consult a specialist.
By #285974 at 03,Jun,13 04:21
yah cuz that would not be awkword

By #371104 at 30,May,13 07:27
Seriously You need to get your balls up tight, none saggy start with a body trimmer foil type .Don't use a face shaver it will bite your balls off . Then dry shave the bits that's left very careful, don't bump the razor on your skin just light strokes. Finally wash down with warm soap and water don't use scented soap or after shave . Pat dry, lovely smooth plumbs simples
By #360027 at 31,May,13 01:07
Face shaver works for me. It's a wet 'n dry type with only micro blade movement. Works great on soapy balls in the shower. I'm feeling them now - they're smooth and undamaged.
By #285974 at 03,Jun,13 04:14
i do that too works fine for me

By #364688 at 03,Jun,13 03:31
don't use VEET......

By stroker11 at 31,May,13 10:42 other posts of stroker11 
try by hair. takes time but does not grow back very quickly, and hair becomes finer and softer. less hair each time. also the sensation of plucking with tweezer is a turn on.

By #5051 at 30,May,13 23:54
anyone ever try using Philips Norelco BG2040/34 Bodygroom Pro
By #23212 at 31,May,13 07:33
Yes. I think it's the best way to trim and shave, as they state, 'anywhere below the neck'.

By pifad at 30,May,13 18:11 other posts of pifad 
Sent you a pm

By #220845 at 30,May,13 08:11
I have used Schick slim twin disposable razors and shaving oil or vitamin e oil for many years.

By #333872 at 30,May,13 07:07
I use a body trimmer...

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