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ED pills

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Started by onthelose at 11,Aug,20 22:09  other posts of onthelose
Have you tried any? out of the hundreds available, has any one ever worked for you? What about those cum multable times pills. I read where some foods are a natural ed medicine. I researched them and the quantities you would have to consume would he huge.

Similar topics: 1.Blood pressure pills   2.Blue pills   3.Penis Enlargement pills & methods   4.Real Penis Enlargement (PE)   5.male enhancement pills do they do anything  

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By wanker84 at 25,Mar,25 19:37 other posts of wanker84 
I syaete to take tadalafil (mg for my enlarged prostate, it works for that and even at the low dose I get hard erections somztimes I take four tablets and then it is rock hard, it subsides after I've cum but soon recycles and I can cum several times until I'm just cumming precum.

By #275407 at 27,May,21 09:00
If you want a cheaper solution to getting an erection, take L-arginine. It is a vitamin that increases blood flow and will help your erection. It also increases semen levels. You can find it in your local supermarket, but would be better to go to a vitamin store and get a good brand name. It has proven to work if you take this vitamin daily and it is safe. Google it, I've known people who take it and they say it does work, but don't expect it to work overnight like viagra, you have to take it regularly, it increases nitric oxide in the blood which opens up bloods vessels in the body which increases blood flow,mit also has other benefits, like I said, google it, read several posts on this so you can come to your own conclusion on if this will work for you. Oh, and it's cheap.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Oh, 40 % of this vitamin is absorbed into the bloodstream which helps you.
By dgraff at 27,May,21 09:53 other posts of dgraff 
Maybe I should try it for my blood flow problem lower in my feet and legs some days my feet are purple
By #574505 at 28,May,21 17:11
stand in your head might help too.
By dgraff at 28,May,21 23:07 other posts of dgraff 
I’m not sure if I can stand on my head anymore it’s been 30 years since I’ve tried last

By onthelose at 24,Mar,25 04:42 other posts of onthelose 
I take this pill for that very reason for years . I haven’t had the experience you speak of..

By nekekal at 20,Jun,21 20:56 other posts of nekekal 
I have used sildenafil. Little 10 mg pills. I take two. Up to five is ok. They make it easier to get a full erection. Otherwise my cock gets hard just as I cum but otherwise stays two thirds hard. But with sildenafil, it gets full and heavy and since stimulation feels better it gets really hard and cums well, then stays filled. I could take it every day.

By thebeewolf at 12,Jun,21 20:28 other posts of thebeewolf 
I got a viagra prescription online. After a few refills I have more than I'll ever need.

I don't need them at all. But it is nice to have an effortless raging boner. I take half a dose about 60-90 minutes before action time.

By onthelose at 09,Jun,21 03:24 other posts of onthelose 
Thanks for all your comments. I take 1/2 half a pill,viagra, when I take it. I would like to take cialis sounds more like what I want. Viagra doesnt make any harder then I regularly get. It just makes it easier to stay hard once I get hard.

By Bigdaddy402 at 07,Jun,21 05:24 other posts of Bigdaddy402 
I take sildenafil works great I get and keep my erection.

By #628350 at 30,May,21 11:41
I have been taking 5mgm Cialis daily to treat my very enlarged prostate, it's worked a treat for that, my PSA is halved and it it also gives me the ability to have an erection on demand, just a couple of strikes and it's up and ready.I have tried a 20mgm Cialis on top but it doesn't seem to make me anymore hard.

By DeepThroatThis at 28,May,21 17:03 other posts of DeepThroatThis 
I prefer Cialis. Half a pill is fine and it lasts for 18 hours so easy to fuck multiple times over a couple of days.
Cock Rings help too.....using both brings on awesome erections.

By wycowboy at 12,Aug,20 16:10 other posts of wycowboy 
I use viagra. A half pill is all I need. After 30 minutes my cock feels fuller and a little manipulation gets it as hard as it did 30 years ago. The feeling lasts for a few hours even after cumming.
By #638707 at 27,May,21 04:17
I use calis and viaga

By #622304 at 12,Aug,20 14:42
I’ve tried sildenafil and cialis. Both have worked well. Usually only take 1/4 or 1/2 a pill. Leaves you with that swelled up feeling before you get fully hard! After you cum your still chubbed up for a while!!

My dad has taken full viagra and it works great for him.

By curvy8 at 12,Aug,20 01:24 other posts of curvy8 
I love Viagra. I take half a pill. I don't always need it, but it's like an insurance policy. Always guarantees a super hard one that lasts and lasts. Only side effect is a slight redness in my face. Highly recommend.

By #621517 at 11,Aug,20 22:54
I use a Viagra or generic Sildenafil moccasionally. Use 1/3 of a tablet. Great! After about an hour my cock feels really heavy. Then when I work it up hard boy does it get stiff, like it’s going to snap. Wanks or sex after that are exquisite with good strong spunk spurts. My cocks then usually still up hard after I’ve jerked, ready for another one. No bad after effects except sometimes slight headache. I recommend it.

By #574505 at 11,Aug,20 22:28
I try Viagra and Cialis all they gave me was heart burns .. I still get hard tho

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