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Started by #384707 at 30,Jun,13 06:57
I was wonering if there is any way to make a homemade cock pump?? i still live with my paarents soi cant order one:/ please help me out

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New Comment

By #166058 at 30,Jun,13 18:10
just order one from they send everything out in plain brown packaging with no way of knowing wats in it

By bella! at 30,Jun,13 14:53 other posts of bella! 
My recommendation would be the "Seal-a-Meal". Does your momma have one of those in her kitchen? The only hurddle I could see is how you're going to explain to her what you're doing bare assed naked in her kitchen. Here's some more advice, save your money and move outta the basement.

See magna_carte, kitchen appliances are so versatile!

By soundsgreat87 at 30,Jun,13 09:14 other posts of soundsgreat87 
I have a buddy who did just that. However you will need a pump, which... I dunno if that will be easy to hide from your parents, lol.
--------------------------------------- added after 36 seconds

I mean like the actual pumping mechanism, the handle with a gauge on it.

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