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Started by bigone21 at 05,Jul,13 23:00  other posts of bigone21
after 500 or a thousand of all these threads:

if you are a guy wanting to perform some cock-sucking, or letting a guy suck you, please S T O P labelling yourself as HETERO and STRAIGHT!

You are at least bi-curious and likely bisexual.

I'm gay, and don't like to kiss or tongue with every guy, so that is not what "makes" it gay!

I don't ever see a thread like: "I'm gay, but I like to lick pussy, does that make me straight?"

If you are a man who likes to play with other men, you are BISEXUAL! DEAL WITH IT please, instead of denieing and start 500 threads about this denial!!

Similar topics: 1.Hetero mature--Like to try sucking cum out:***Is it safe?   2.Asparagus...   3.Hallelujah! Now I understand!   4.DICK JOKE: Ron White   5.What about the small dick?  

New Comment

By #186493 at 07,Jul,13 05:36
I disagree with you, but I understand your reasoning.
My understanding of being ‘gay’ is that you are intimately desiring another of your own gender, for sexual activity, or close, intimate interaction.
“Bi-sexual” to me, is someone that desires intimate and sexual connections with one of their own gender, or the opposite.
I have no issues with either of these life-styles, and I think that they should enjoy their own feelings, in their own ways, and not have to be judged.
Now we come to the ones that I believe that you are focusing on: the ones that post their ‘fantasies’ for sexual play with same-gender people.
This is where we disagree, I think. I read many of these posts, and I smile, thinking that they are ‘fantasies’ and things that some would imagine, acting out, but never will, but the images, and feelings are good for masturbatory play, and that is all!
Fantasy is just that: An image of what you wish, for a purpose, like getting off.
If I see a guy, in the locker room, at the gym, and we make eye contact, and smile, and I think he is really hot, and he feels really good, that I look at him, and smile, but I get off, imagining him, with me, later, does that make me ‘Bi’ or ‘gay’, for feeling a ‘fantasy’??
I would say ‘NO’ because I really love women, and I love my girlfriend, and I share my life, with her.
Most of the posts that I have seen were guys saying what they ‘WANT’ to do, like ‘fantasies’!!
Why does it bother you, so much, to post this question? No offense intended, no judgment, just wondering.
By bigone21 at 09,Jul,13 18:18 other posts of bigone21 
@ Jsmythe: thanks for your intelligent reply! and in some ways i understand what you are saying, and in some ways, i think it is only part of the story.

if we would live in a world with only people like you, that don't have issues "with either of these life-styles", i wouldn't have issues with "straight" guys wanting to suck dick or go all the way 3x a day for my part.

my issue is, being gay, and living that life openly, has social, political, and legal consequences. we, out of the closet homosexuals, all had and have to take that consequences.

and that is where it "grinds" (is that correct english?). i think that it is a little bit too easy to have male/male sex and still label yourself "straight"!

if all these guys would come out as "bisexual", that would enormously help the rights for homosexuals. and that is my point: if you like ot do what gay guys do, suck dick & fuck ass, be brave and come out!

and if you only fantasize, go ahead, your thoughts are free!

By bella! at 06,Jul,13 00:27 other posts of bella! 
I do believe that I've seen a decline in the "I'm straight but I want to suck cock" threads. Is it merely because it now costs 20 points to justify defining yourself as being straight. Geez, you're absolutely correct! I don't recall seeing any topic that was remotely close to; I'm gay but I want to lick pussy. I wonder why?

On a side note, I saw the other thread you opened today. All I can say is DAMN! Just, DAMN!!!!!
By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 21:22 other posts of bigone21 
the twenty points was my suggestion.


and Admin did it, a lot less stupid threads being started I think!

Bella, what's with the "thank you" thread?? Damn why??
By bella! at 06,Jul,13 22:26 other posts of bella! 
The "thank you" thread? Are you speaking of my blog? If you are, I explained my thoughts within that blog to another member who asked the very same thing. It is geared towards the member who wonders who has commented and voted on their pictures and when they get to my page and view my pics, must be disappointed that they aren't finding an 18 to 32 year old hottie and they leave without saying a thing. I don't feel that it is necessary to reciprocate message for message, vote for vote, but a simple thank you would be kind.

As for the dialogue in the forum, via email or by text, the sad thing is that the receiver does not hear the tone of the voice or see an expression on a face of the sender. Factor in language differences as well as the use of regional slang and I guess "words" could be misunderstood. My use of DAMN! was merely an expression of surprise and it was used instead of WOW! because I meant it to be more than wow.
--------------------------------------- added after 25 minutes

I will use this example, in the metropolitan Detroit area if someone said; "you are THE shit" ( that's a compliment ). If someone said "you are a piece of shit" ( you've obviously been insulted ). Unfortunately, you don't have benefit of the tone of voice or facial expression. Heck, look at the use of the word fuck or fucker. It can be used so many ways and you would have to really either know ( or not know ) the person using the word or see how the word is used in the context of the sentence.
By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 22:48 other posts of bigone21 
bella, your english is so much better than mine, i can't keep up...

did you (or did you not) refer to the thread i started (thank you guys for being small/medium)??

and did DAMN! mean something a should think about and better my life or statements? help me out girl!

(yes guys, i say GIRL, i'm a homosexual, i can say girl to a woman, there's no threat, just equality )
By bella! at 06,Jul,13 23:01 other posts of bella! 
Yes, the thread you wrote "Thank you guys" was what I was responding to when I said DAMN! Visually you look BIG to me but when I converted 22cm into inches and it calculated out to be 8.6 inches, the first thing that came to my mind after my eyes popped was DAMN! I was in awe of a measurement that was something I understood and choice of word was meant as a sincere compliment!
By bigone21 at 06,Jul,13 23:16 other posts of bigone21 
so it was a GOOD damn! thanks for that!

DAMN NICE compliment! thanks Bella!!

By #274357 at 05,Jul,13 23:02
Yep, betcha we never see one of those posts again.
By bigone21 at 05,Jul,13 23:03 other posts of bigone21 
you're quick!!

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