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opinions on pubic hair

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Started by #249452 at 09,Jul,13 04:18
Ok so i have 2 questions to ask. First of all how do you keep your pubes. My second question is how do u like on your partener? Would u like it better if they had a shaved cock or pussy or do you not care ?

Similar topics: 1.Age for pubic hair ?   2.black pubic hair   3.keep your hair natural!   4.Anybody who dye their pubic hair?   5.pubic hair for men  

New Comment

By markonetwo34 at 16,Aug,13 14:43 other posts of markonetwo34 
For women fully hairy is soooo sexy. Shaved is way over done. A bit of fur also seems to hold the scent which I really love.

By #301038 at 07,Aug,13 11:58
I had a laser hair removal done, but it left all the light hairs intact. So, it's not a dark wire bush, just a soft blonde fuzz. I used to shave it off completely, but then my husband decided that he likes it fuzzy better, it is softer too.

So, normally it stays natural, but I don't let it overgrow, by trimming it with a trimmer. And I shave it off if I'm going to the beach, pool, doctor, or if we are having other people join us in the bedroom. I'll shave it off to take pictures as well, it looks much nicer bold or with a little strip on the pictures. As far as partner's hair goes, I do like a nice trimmed bush, it's so much softer to ride.
By #410609 at 11,Aug,13 06:20
Your pussy looks really really nice.
By #301038 at 11,Aug,13 12:04
By #410609 at 14,Aug,13 06:08
You're very welcome. I'd have my pubes professionally groomed at a salon to please you! It would be like when they were spiffing up the cowardly lion in the "Wizard of Oz"!
By #301038 at 15,Aug,13 11:50
For some reason your comment didn't have the effect you were expecting
By #410609 at 15,Aug,13 15:05
What was I expecting? Don't you know how to smile?. I feel sorry for you then.
By #301038 at 16,Aug,13 14:21
Sure, when it's funny...
By #410609 at 16,Aug,13 14:36
Sorry you have no sense of humor then. You seem hostile for some reason.

By #361268 at 16,Aug,13 08:20
mine are always shaved i shave mine every day plz see my profile for picks

By #416899 at 16,Aug,13 03:43
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Hairy is sexy. Visit my page for more of this.

By #371870 at 15,Aug,13 18:46
Help me decide which one is better:
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By youngjpcock at 15,Aug,13 17:59 other posts of youngjpcock 

love trimmed

By bikev at 14,Aug,13 05:57 other posts of bikev 
I have all the hair from my body but prefer big heavy men with lots of hair.

By #381551 at 18,Jul,13 10:19
I can't decide...

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By 3fdfd at 18,Jul,13 13:33 other posts of 3fdfd 
the hairy one !!

By #415113 at 25,Jul,13 21:47
I personally LIKE the SMOOTH look...
By #143894 at 09,Aug,13 16:15
Shaved is best!

By Gary5 at 13,Aug,13 14:49 other posts of Gary5 
The smooth one!

By #204766 at 11,Aug,13 20:19
A nice trim allthe time

By #218983 at 25,Jul,13 21:26
i love both cock and pussy to be hairy. this my girl's hairy pussy and my hairy cock:

By #316255 at 22,Jul,13 17:53
Dislike it immensely (since I can't say h@te).
By #23212 at 24,Jul,13 22:41

By #407908 at 22,Jul,13 17:06
I'm naturally not very hairy, except for my pubic hair. I wear it natural, and I love it on women. I like "feminine" looking bushes on women - a neat triangle - whether it's natural or trimmed.

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By 3fdfd at 24,Jul,13 13:13 other posts of 3fdfd 
I'm like you - "naturally not very hairy, expect for my pubic hair." I keep mine as hairy as it gets. I like to see men with hairy balls & hairy cocks - not shaved ones.

By #381772 at 22,Jul,13 07:17
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I'm totally untrimmed, and prefer to see untrimmed cocks and pussies. Pubes are a turn-on for me.
By 3fdfd at 22,Jul,13 15:23 other posts of 3fdfd 
me too - and yours are great !

By ero2715 at 22,Jul,13 08:57 other posts of ero2715 
don't like to see bushy hair. like to see it nicely trimmed or shaved.

By #44980 at 17,Jul,13 14:09
Both shaved, better eating!!

By #359325 at 17,Jul,13 03:42
I don't like a jungle, i'd rather have it well trimmed and nice.

By #40333 at 16,Jul,13 12:33
Long pubic hair is just disgusting to me.

By #376946 at 11,Jul,13 19:05
Shaven for sure.....dont like hair i my mouth

By #11431 at 11,Jul,13 17:41
Hairy everytime .. dont like the prepubescent look .

By Pierogi80 at 10,Jul,13 02:15 other posts of Pierogi80 
Been thinking on this a lot lately. I've been keeping my bush natural but noticing a lot of shaved guys at the gym. I've trimmed it short (blond so it almost looks shaved) but thinking about trying it out bald.
By spermkiss at 10,Jul,13 17:28 other posts of spermkiss 
Do it! You'll be glad you did. Every man should shave himself hairless from the neck down at least once in his life.
By #143894 at 11,Jul,13 16:32
I agree. If you've been thinking about it, just do it, it always grows back. I was the same way about 5 years ago, and once I finally did it I was glad I did. Now I let it grow out for a few months at a time, but always keep my balls shaved and go fully bald for the summer, which I did last week
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By spermkiss at 10,Jul,13 17:32 other posts of spermkiss 
How am I? Totally hairless from the neck down.

How do I like my sex partners? Totally hairless from the neck down. UNLESS the guy has very thick, very dark hair. So I guess I like the two extremes: hairless or ultra hairy.

By #247914 at 09,Jul,13 22:20
Love a thick hairy bush, both men and women.

By Ray10754 at 09,Jul,13 22:04 other posts of Ray10754 
Totaly smooth here from the neck down both front and rear! Been that way for many years now and love it,don't think I will ever let it grow back,As a matter of fact Been thinking of having it all permatly removed.

By pornlover59 at 09,Jul,13 21:19 other posts of pornlover59 

By #361268 at 09,Jul,13 20:42
I shave mine every day it is always smooth and i also shave my chest hair as well most of the women i have met also shave and like the smooth look as it is always clean and looks nice

By #240539 at 09,Jul,13 17:38
We both got full Brazilian laser hair removal. It feels fantastic

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