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Age for pubic hair ?

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Started by #3251 at 08,Jan,09 20:03
At what age did you guys start growing pubic hair ? I was not quite 12 ... a couple of months before my 12th birthday. I was rather proud of it. I eventually grew a nice growth there, but never a hair on my tummy or chest.

Similar topics: pubic hair   2.keep your hair natural!   3.Anybody who dye their pubic hair?   4.pubic hair for men   5.Pubic hair  

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By #711401 at 21,Apr,24 14:07
Pubes and spunk started at thirteen. By that time, I'd been having glorious dry orgasms for seven years.

By Threesome at 12,Apr,24 14:21 other posts of Threesome 
I was still balled when the friend who I was having oral sex with had a little bush. All the other boys at the circle jerks I wet to at least had some hairs. I try to always be smooth to this day.

By towman812 at 30,Mar,24 00:11 other posts of towman812 
about 11 or 12

By #712478 at 19,Mar,24 20:59
I started growing my first pubic hairs at 12

By hotcock33 at 10,Mar,24 10:42 other posts of hotcock33 
Not sure when it started growing...maybe 12 id guess, cause I definitely had a full bush by 13. It just seemed like it happened over night almost...don't remember it growing slowly per se...was just kinda there one day lol. Also had my first wet dream at 13 and then started to jerk and cum regularly.

By Cody8789 at 10,Mar,24 06:00 other posts of Cody8789 

By cleanshaven at 10,Mar,24 02:37 other posts of cleanshaven 
I was 12 but started shaving around 17 and still stay shaved

By nekekal at 24,Jan,24 00:21 other posts of nekekal 
About 11 I think. No one else in gym class had any so I was teased about it. I shaved it until others started to grow it to avoid being teased. Big penis got me teased enough.

By wycowboy at 23,Jan,24 22:03 other posts of wycowboy 
I don't remember for sure, must have been 12 or 13 as I had a full bush to show off by 15.

By PoloFields at 23,Jan,24 18:47 other posts of PoloFields 
12 or 13. Still keeping it furry.

By thicknsmooth at 21,Jan,24 04:46 other posts of thicknsmooth 
Age 13

By PITBULL at 20,Jan,24 22:26 other posts of PITBULL 
I start to see pubic hair on me around 13 years old. By 15 I have a big bush.

By LGA6969 at 20,Jan,24 21:27 other posts of LGA6969 
About 12

By Cummingforyou at 20,Jan,24 06:56 other posts of Cummingforyou 
I was 12 when I noticed a hairs appearing just above my penis. Then it gradually started getting more and hairy around my whole groin area and on my balls

By Cody8789 at 19,Jan,24 19:05 other posts of Cody8789 
Don’t quite remember when I started growing hair, but I do remember everyone in my gym class had pubic hair and I was the only one without it. Maybe 15 or 16

By Wrath at 19,Jan,24 18:51 other posts of Wrath 
By hairypussywife at 19,Jan,24 18:55 other posts of hairypussywife 
Yeah about the same for me around 11

By #662360 at 17,Jan,24 18:02
I started getting pubes about age 13, the age I first masturbated. In the school gym showers at that age we liked to show off our new young cock bushes.

By #472252 at 27,Sep,19 14:25
was 15/16 10th grade

By Dev01 at 23,Sep,19 06:26 other posts of Dev01 
Being half Greek I was born with it. And a Moe aswell
By #551147 at 27,Sep,19 09:53
By Dev01 at 27,Sep,19 10:11 other posts of Dev01 
And a monobrow but have that sorted..Feel ripped off tho...No hairy back . luv ya scorps
By #551147 at 27,Sep,19 11:24
Funny! If left alone, I also have a uni-brow (been shaving that lil strip in between my eyes since my youth). That being said, I am NOT very hairy at all anywhere else (except where I DON'T want it now that I'm getting older, i.e. ears & nose) otherwise just a few lil sprigs on each nipple, bare chest, sparsely hairy legs, pubic area even if I leave it alone is not really dense. I can't even grow a decent beard, looks like shit.

By #463848 at 27,Sep,19 08:40
My puberty was late and I think it would be about age 13; quite a long time after erections and cock play.

By Bigdaddy402 at 26,Sep,19 14:36 other posts of Bigdaddy402 
I was 11 when I started get pubic hair 13 my snail trail came in I never got to much chest hair just a little around my nipples

By #599860 at 18,Sep,19 10:16
About 13.

By #499016 at 17,Sep,19 04:30
I was 13 and I pulled it out.

By #479082 at 16,Sep,19 13:11
I was 14. hairs and size started growing slowly.
My puberty ended just before university.
Unfortunately mt body grew a lot whilst my penis not.
I have only a 5,75" x 4.5" girth

By #553294 at 17,Apr,18 04:01
I experienced my first (of many, many) dry orgasms when I was 5. First ejaculation happened when I was 12. But I was 14 before I even grew any peach-fuzz down there.

Regarding cock growth - I started measuring mine & keeping track when I was really young. Here's a sample of my log. As you can see, my cock didn't grow very fast until I was ~15:

5 yrs: 1" long x 0.75" in girth when soft & 1.5" long x 1" in girth when hard.

9 yrs: 1.5" long x 1.25" in girth when soft & 2.5" long x 1.5" in girth when hard.

11 yrs: 1.5" long x 1.25" in girth when soft & 3" long x 1.75" in girth when hard.

12 yrs: 1.5" long x 1.25" in girth when soft & 3" long x 2" in girth when hard. I experienced my first ejaculation when I was 12.

14 yrs: 1.5" long x 1.25" in girth when soft & 3.5" long x 2" in girth when hard. This is also when I first noticed peach-fuzz starting to grow in my pubic area.

15 yrs: 2" long x 2" in girth when soft & 4" long x 3" in girth when hard.

16 yrs: 2" long x 2" in girth when soft & 4.5" long x 3.5" in girth when hard.

18 yrs: 2.5" long x 3.5" in girth when soft & 5.75" long x 4.75" in girth when hard. (Final adult size.)
By #479082 at 16,Sep,19 13:08
that's a nice log.
very curious.
how did you learn to wank at 5?

By #589692 at 15,Sep,19 07:46
When did hair start growing on your chest and stomach?
By #595500 at 16,Sep,19 02:18
i'll let you know...

By 3fdfd at 16,Sep,19 04:13 other posts of 3fdfd 
Been waiting since Ike was in the White House

By #463848 at 14,Sep,19 10:43
Can't really remember but I had a late puberty so it would be around 13. I remember that the favourite question I was asked by other boys was: have you got any hair around it yet? If the answer was, 'yes' then you would by invited to show them. The next thing they asked was can I play with it.
Of course all they really wanted was to wank me off.
By #595788 at 15,Sep,19 20:24
Any excuse to see a cock. I hope you let them wank you, and returned the favour!

By Nevermore at 15,Sep,19 14:55 other posts of Nevermore 
Really young, around 11 for me.
By tb1 at 15,Sep,19 18:19 other posts of tb1 
Me too

By #589692 at 12,Sep,19 08:20
About 12

By #523035 at 11,Sep,19 18:15
11 years old. I had hair before most guys in my grade. Which was weird because my body size was real small. It still is, im only 5'3*

By #249167 at 26,Mar,17 01:03
About 12 & started cumming at 13
By 3fdfd at 11,Sep,19 13:38 other posts of 3fdfd 
I didn't come until I was 14.

By jayman73 at 20,Jul,18 14:19 other posts of jayman73 
I was 12. It was the summer of 1986, right before I entered junior high.
By #551147 at 11,Sep,19 01:47
Same for me except it was the SUMMER of 1983 😉
By 3fdfd at 11,Sep,19 08:59 other posts of 3fdfd 
Just about when I started 7th grade. Fall of 1954

By 3fdfd at 11,Sep,19 08:58 other posts of 3fdfd 
Just about when I started 7th grade. Fall of 1954

By #518391 at 11,Sep,19 07:54
I was around 12 and when I went to boarding school at 13/14 I was sometimes asked to show off my bush to other boys who were still hairless down there.

By #595788 at 10,Sep,19 18:29
I half remember I was getting pubic hair about age 12 because when I first masturbated at 13 I remember I had a decent bush. I became quite hairy later.

By galaxy123 at 05,Dec,18 16:45 other posts of galaxy123 
I went through puberty very late and did not ejaculate until a month or 2 before my 16th birthday.I had a few pubes at 15 but it was only when I was 16 that they started to spread around more. At 13 most of the boys I knew had already developed and had a good patch of pubes and could ejaculate

By #463848 at 05,Dec,18 09:29
First dry orgasm at 11. I had this from a guy who had a very unusual cock; his was only about 5.5 long but was 3 ins wide, yes wide not circumference.)

First nocturnal emission at 12. Started to wank regularly after that. Pubic hair around 13. [Also had great spurt in body height at this time.] Final cock size at about 18/19. (5.5).
I always seemed to be about average size at school; there were only a couple of guys in my class who had what I would call premature size for age.
Later, from 18-20, I was again average size but saw a number who were smaller and bigger

By #480031 at 05,Dec,18 03:47
I would have been around 13-14. Had my first dry orgasm at just on 12, started ejaculating probably within a year.

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 10:39
I dont remember really but about 13 years old

By #64328 at 17,Apr,18 07:07
Penis size was first...stated growing around 8 or 9. By 11 i was around six inches hard. It was quite the topic of conversation among my friends i grew up with. Being it was twice as big as most of them. At 13 i started to be able to ejaculate cum instead of dry orgasms that i had since i was 8 when i first started masturbating. but still no pubic hair at all. Didnt grow pubes until I was 17 and a jr in high school. through jr high and high school most of the kids figured i shaved becuase my dick was fully grown.
--------------------------------------- added after 2 minutes

Girlfriends also thought i kept it shaved too. I noticed other boys in gym showers started to shave too. maybe i started a trend among my friends. haha

By #543717 at 17,Apr,18 03:53
Started cumming at age 14, growing pubes about half a year later. Fully grown cock at age 16.

By #532124 at 29,Mar,17 20:08
I was about 17 when most of the changes happened, first pubes and first real cum. though still dont have a thick bush or produce much cum

By #505990 at 27,Mar,17 14:14
No hair and no cum until age 17

By mrseveninches at 27,Mar,17 01:55 other posts of mrseveninches 
Sprouted first pubes shortly before my 12th. Shot cum 3 months after my 13th. Dick was full size by age 15.
By 3fdfd at 27,Mar,17 12:30 other posts of 3fdfd 
You sound pretty much on track with me ... except my full size never was equal to yours

By kebmo at 27,Mar,17 03:18 other posts of kebmo 
I don't remember when the hair showed up but since others here are mentioning it, I SURE remember the first time I ejaculated. I was 17 and having sex with my girlfriend for the fourth or fifth time and I came. FUCK was I surprised. She asked what it felt like and without thinking I said "It felt like I was going to shit myself!". Every time after that I came. When we broke up I learned how to masturbate with Vaseline. Vaseline was my good friend for about a year until I learned how to freehand.

By Nevermore at 26,Mar,17 10:42 other posts of Nevermore 
Early, maybe 11. One of the first in my class at school, used to get a lot of appreciative looks in the locker room.

By #496814 at 25,Mar,17 04:01
It must have been around twelve. I can recall the question asked by a doctor in the first year of high school, who made a prediction of my eventual height in. She asked whether I had hair grown down there already, to which my answer had been 'yes'.

I was 14 when my very first ejaculation happened.

By #519017 at 24,Mar,17 23:25
About 12. I was proud of it and in the showers at school we all showed off our new pubes.

By #460523 at 16,Mar,17 02:43
about 10

By #144821 at 15,Aug,14 22:46
Probably 11-12 for pubic hair. 13-14 for armpit hair.

By #64328 at 27,Jul,14 21:01
What came first for most of you? Penis size increase or pubic hair...all of my friends growing up got pubic hair before size. I was exactly the opposite
By 3fdfd at 14,Aug,14 14:04 other posts of 3fdfd 
I guess pubic hair 'cause I never got much penis size increase

By #455846 at 02,Apr,14 10:20
i remember somebody that had no hair down there untill after 18!!!

i was also late about 13-14...remeber somebody having a look and a feel as a joke in the bathrooms at school hey ho
By #64328 at 26,Jul,14 17:33
I was about 17 till pubic hair. But was adult size. Most of the guys in gym class thought I shaved
By #466936 at 27,Jul,14 16:10
It started with 16. Even with 19 I looked like a teenager. I had a complex about that. And now it turned into what I'm doing here

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