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Strip Poker

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Started by #10614 at 20,Dec,09 21:19
Any body like playing strip poker? I played with some friends of mine. me and a few girls all ended up naked, while they played with my cock i played with thei pussys

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By nekekal at 13,Sep,24 22:46 other posts of nekekal 
I have played strip poker. I lost. I always lost. But it is a game with little penalty for losing.

By #716698 at 13,Sep,24 16:38
A friend at school invited me to his place to play strip poker with his 2 brothers and another friend in his bedroom. Before he dealt the cards he said the one who takes off all his clothes first has to suck off the other players. I think he fixed the deck so I would lose. I sucked their cocks one at a time while the others watched. My friend said he didn't think I would do it. This was the first time they played the game.

By #690553 at 04,May,24 18:06
Love strip poker, great way to meet people

By LGA6969 at 04,May,24 13:17 other posts of LGA6969 
played when I was around 13. all guys. Of course I was always the first one completely naked. What fun.

By wycowboy at 03,May,24 14:11 other posts of wycowboy 
I love to play strip poker. Everybody gets naked and it almost always ends up in an orgy.

By Lvphose at 03,May,24 01:08 other posts of Lvphose 
Wish I could

By cleanshaven at 25,Mar,23 09:11 other posts of cleanshaven 
Yea where can you play online with real people

By #662360 at 24,Mar,22 23:03
At university. We students played a version where if you won a round you took a garment off the person with the lowest score in the round. So sometimes I’d be taking a girl’s underwear, other times taking off a boy’s. When you got naked if you continued playing and lost a round the winner gave you a forfeit, like showing your favourite sex position or another hot pose, or masturbating if you were sober enough! It was fun!

By #550700 at 21,Feb,18 09:48
Yeah!!!me and my step s.I.s play games when we get spun...strip pocket...truth or dare...dice masturbation....its a blast!!!!!

By #532415 at 20,Feb,18 09:04
I played with my 4 friends, all guys, when we were 13. First time we saw each others dicks too. Fun...

By Redworm1963 at 19,Feb,18 23:59 other posts of Redworm1963 
I did the same with a couple local boys in my younger days...played hands til we were naked then the worst hand had to suck the high hand in increments of 15 seconds for each loss! Fun times, fun times!

By #64328 at 18,Feb,18 15:26
I played strip poker and other games like it many times with friends growing up. Ezciting times for sure.

By #536019 at 16,Feb,18 14:32
When I was "discovering" sex at age 12 and 13, me and some neighborhood boys played strip-poker as a prelude to more intimate play. Fond memories! (Never played it with girls, unfortunately.)

By #43515 at 20,Dec,09 22:03
Luv to play with other Bi guys and Girls.

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