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I'll use the last of my points for this....

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Started by #402775 at 20,Aug,13 23:34
REALLY? Because I won't rate a piece of skin hanging between your legs???

[deleted image]

Similar topics: 1.Points log   2.Total Points?   3.FOR ADMIN - THOSE POINTS AGAIN   4.Small addition for paid members   5.Points Changes  

New Comment

By #68656 at 21,Aug,13 13:36
Just an update to advise that the egotistical gentleman in question has closed his account, is no longer with us and has returned to haunting the Moors.
By Ray10754 at 21,Aug,13 13:43 other posts of Ray10754 
That figures! Instead of owning up to his faults and appoligising, He left! Real class act! No great loss though! Just wonder if he will come back under an alis!

By #68656 at 21,Aug,13 08:32
Firstly the account would very likely be fake.
Secondly the review panel would be extremely interested in this, however we need an actual complaint so I have written to Dyamond explaining how she can refer the matter if she wishes to do so.
By #122997 at 21,Aug,13 08:43
Cool! And she can recoup the points she used having to make this post!
By bella! at 21,Aug,13 10:03 other posts of bella! 
Her points have been replaced and then some. Read her post, she said she used her "last points" to post the new thread ( and she did, she had only 2 points ). Decent007 and I both gifted her a significant number of points and she now has 162 points. Her points were restored and a pig of a man has been exposed.
By #122997 at 21,Aug,13 10:13
By bella! at 21,Aug,13 10:41 other posts of bella! 
I only hope that ChocolateDyamond's opinion of the characters of SYD/SYC members will not be overshadowed by one (?) nasty member.

By #358797 at 21,Aug,13 07:29
Since he wanted his rating so bad I was kind enough to leave one on his page. I doubt he's gonna like it though.

By #358797 at 21,Aug,13 03:56
How rude. Always gonna run into assholes on here, I'm sorry you had to deal with that. No excuse for saying shit like that because of getting declined a dick rating. Ugh.

By #124665 at 21,Aug,13 01:53
I'm so glad I can't see ads in a PM
By bella! at 21,Aug,13 02:00 other posts of bella! 
That's all you have to say?
By #124665 at 21,Aug,13 02:10
Yeah, I'm drinking n don't feel like going into a rant right now I gave her some points tho, just cuz ima decent fucker.. All compassionate n shit
By bella! at 21,Aug,13 02:24 other posts of bella! 
You earned your name, you are decent.

By bella! at 21,Aug,13 00:11 other posts of bella! 
I encourage all members that read ChocolateDyamond's post and the message she received from handsomecock7 to visit his page and leave him a message.
By #316255 at 21,Aug,13 01:02
It's a shame we can't put in links because some may not know how to find his page.
By bella! at 21,Aug,13 01:20 other posts of bella! 
Here's his link;


By Ray10754 at 21,Aug,13 00:10 other posts of Ray10754 
Sorry to see that some one would say such a thing!
Just goes to show the mentality of some people!! SAD!
By bella! at 21,Aug,13 00:27 other posts of bella! 
Thanks for sending him a message, Ray.
By Ray10754 at 21,Aug,13 00:34 other posts of Ray10754 
no problem he deserves it! Dam shit head!!!

By bella! at 21,Aug,13 00:05 other posts of bella! 
You declined to rate him but I visited his page.........

Adult Discussion Forum