Started by #427539 at 23,Sep,13 21:15
Similar topics: 1.Men are more accepting to their woman being bi then she to he 2.Woman come on to me often (i am a straight female who has never been with a woman) 3.Etiquette and the Rude Woman. 4.Bisexual preference 5.Do men hunt women like predators hunt prey? New CommentComments:By hunnngry at 28,Sep,13 11:38 other posts of hunnngry
By bigone21 at 23,Sep,13 21:32 other posts of bigone21
By bella! at 24,Sep,13 00:28 other posts of bella!
By bigone21 at 24,Sep,13 15:59 other posts of bigone21
By #427539 at 24,Sep,13 16:24
By bigone21 at 24,Sep,13 18:44 other posts of bigone21
By *kmadeau* at 24,Sep,13 12:59 other posts of *kmadeau*
By #316255 at 24,Sep,13 13:07
By *kmadeau* at 24,Sep,13 16:54 other posts of *kmadeau*