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Do you wish you were a woman?

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Started by #427539 at 23,Sep,13 21:15
I allways wished. I was born a woman. I think women get more fun out of sex. They can orgasms many time and can experience all kinds of sex ,i think. Being a woman would be much. Better than being a guy,,, women. Can have sex for many hrs with as many guys as they want. And get propositioned. Every day to have sex. And. Can do it any time they want. ,

Similar topics: 1.Men are more accepting to their woman being bi then she to he   2.Woman come on to me often (i am a straight female who has never been with a woman)   3.Etiquette and the Rude Woman.   4.Bisexual preference   5.Do men hunt women like predators hunt prey?  

New Comment

By hunnngry at 28,Sep,13 11:38 other posts of hunnngry 
Dont wish to be a women but if i was i would be a total slut

By bigone21 at 23,Sep,13 21:32 other posts of bigone21 
By bella! at 24,Sep,13 00:28 other posts of bella! 
Does the thought of menstruating every 25 to 30 days and pushing a half ham out of your hoo haa bother you?
By bigone21 at 24,Sep,13 15:59 other posts of bigone21 
please girl, NOT too much detail!!
By #427539 at 24,Sep,13 16:24
she is spoiling my dream of being a woman
By bigone21 at 24,Sep,13 18:44 other posts of bigone21 
you should be happy that "spoiling your dream" is all that bella! does to you!

By *kmadeau* at 24,Sep,13 12:59 other posts of *kmadeau* 
I was sure it's Mr. Ulissis again!!!
By #316255 at 24,Sep,13 13:07
Good guess. He's getting so predictable
By *kmadeau* at 24,Sep,13 16:54 other posts of *kmadeau* 

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