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Generic Viagra or Cialis

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Started by #276457 at 05,Oct,13 15:04
I'm looking for someone who can recommend a site that is trustworthy to purchase online generic viagra and cialis. My company has changed insurance companies and viagra is no longer covered. It was expensive before; now it's impossible.

Similar topics: 1.drugs and sex   2.viagra on this site- is it real?   3.Wanking wif viagra   4.viagra   5.Viagra  

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By bigone21 at 08,Oct,13 20:25 other posts of bigone21 
kamagranow DOT com

all sorts of generic everything!

By #387077 at 05,Oct,13 15:34
I tried it a couple of times out of interest - the pills arrived, they worked, but strangely enough the credit card I used got phished shortly afterwards - no cost to me, but a lesson learned... You're probably safer googling indian ed suppliers and buying direct - the so called suppliers tend to be a bit risky
By #276457 at 05,Oct,13 15:41
Thanks. Any thoughts on the "canadian" pharmacies?
By admin at 05,Oct,13 15:50 other posts of admin 
Those are the same thing. None of them are actually Canadian. Most of them are located in India anyway, no matter how they are promoted.

I'd recommend to use a virtual or prepaid card with a limited balance in any case you have doubts instead of your normal cards.

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