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6 inch cocks and women (or men)

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Started by #400852 at 12,Oct,13 13:24
Always wondered how many guys have six inch cocks and if the women think it's enough (or guys)you see so many guys on here with massive cocks sometimes it makes me feel I got left out,or could it be photo shop at it's best.Just wondering

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New Comment

By #565188 at 18,Apr,19 07:29
Every time i fuck my wife i tear hear as my cock shaft is bigger lower down my shaft ..

By #467057 at 25,Jul,14 06:07
Coming from an above average guy it's really not what people think is great. Honest to god, when I'm having sex with a girl half the time they say it hurts too much like somthing is ripping, and even when I go down after mine has been in there, there is vaginal tears and cuts. So we can only have sex 2-3 times a week max. Have not met a girl yet where it slides right in and have nothing to worry about. They seem to like it big, but I can tell that doesn't look like it feels good.

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Mines about 8.75" long and 6.75" circumference.
By nekekal at 28,Jul,14 06:32 other posts of nekekal 
I agree. My cock is about 7.5 long and 6.5 around and I have never found a woman that it fits into all the way. I have to fuck them with the front 2/3 of my cock. If I get in far enough to feel my balls hit their ass their eyes bug out and their face contorts in pain and I don't get to fuck them again.

They do like the width though. Sliding my big cock head into their cunt always makes the gasp in delight.

I would rather have a shorter cock.
By #400852 at 28,Jul,14 13:53
man,yall are making me thankful that my cock is just 6inches,I always wanted my cock to be longer but I don't know now,I know I have never had a problem getting a women off so I guess it's ok the length it is,but yall do have nice cocks though.

By Allalexallday at 17,Apr,19 23:39 other posts of Allalexallday 
So fucking sexy!

By #532695 at 11,Dec,18 01:19
It could depend on the woman. I'm just 7" and it worked fine for my ex, as long as I didn't drive too deep or too hard. Actually her preference is for maybe a little bit thicker and a bit shorter... but she never complained about my tool.

One thing that longer buys is the ability to do some different positions. For example, laying on my back, and her on top and on her back, you can't penetrate as well if you're shorter. (I like this one because I can get to her tits better.) Or spooning from the back, if she's got a generous butt, it can be hard to couple if you're not longish.

But... you find which positions work best for your particular sizes and shapes.

By #463848 at 09,Dec,18 13:58
When I was growing up the idea was that 6ins was just the right size and girls liked those. I like to feel cocks under that size but these days it seems that girls have got bigger ideas.
By #64328 at 09,Dec,18 16:37
I'm 6 to 6.25 inches and slightly bigger than almost every cock I've ever seen with the exception of just a few. I feel about 80% of guys are between 5 and 6 inches. I also feel guys that are 6 or above are just more likely to show theirs off. Where as average a smaller guys are shy about showing theirs. I have also had women say mine is big and I assume that because most of the guys they have seen are smaller. I also think average and smaller are nicer looking

By #64328 at 09,Dec,18 16:35
I'm 6 to 6.25 inches and slightly bigger than almost every cock I've ever seen with the exception of just a few. I feel about 80% of guys are between 5 and 6 inches. I also feel guys that are 6 or above are just more likely to show theirs off. Where as average a smaller guys are shy about showing theirs. I have also had women say mine is big and I assume that because most of the guys they have seen are smaller

By #316057 at 17,Sep,14 08:33
Think 6 inch work just find

By john12 at 16,Sep,14 23:52 other posts of john12 
Mines 5.8 and I love it

By Odin_york_pa at 16,Sep,14 23:39 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I have exactly 6" and prefer a nice smaller cock myself

By #436014 at 16,Sep,14 04:36
i want around 7" length and 5.5" around, it's about my favorite size and shape to suck on as well

By spermkiss at 12,Oct,13 15:33 other posts of spermkiss 
Ah yes, cock size. If you've got a six inch cock you're larger than average. There have been at least two serious studies of this very subject.

The first was conducted by the famed sex researcher Dr Alfred Kinsey in the late 1940's. Dr Kinsey and his associates came up with an average length of just over six inches.

A more recent study was done in the late 1990's of fifteen hundred college age men and that study came up with an average length of just over five inches.

Now did the human penis become about one inch shorter in the fifty years between these two studies? Probably not. The difference can be explained in how the data were collected. In the Kinsey study the subjects measured themselves in private and reported the results. There was no attempt to verify the accuracy of their measurements. In the later study the researchers did the measuring.

And no, they don't need any help in collecting the next set of measurements. I already asked.
By #124665 at 13,Oct,13 04:51
Correct. A self measure study will always get bigger numbers cuz guys will lie. 6 is enough to satisfy a woman if you know how to use it. You can also bring her to orgasm with just a finger which is much smaller then a dick, don't forget that.
By spermkiss at 13,Oct,13 17:17 other posts of spermkiss 
Or use your tongue, which is even smaller than a finger. I've done that and I'm as gay as pink ink. This is something every man should do at least once in his life no matter how gay he is, if only to prove to himself that he can.

By #460523 at 28,Jul,14 03:24

By #436014 at 13,Oct,13 17:57
actually, i'd prefer having a nicely-proportioned 6" x 5" cock that gets nice and HARD and has little issues with CUMMING, to having one of those thick floppy 8-inchers that have lost the ability to retain as much **** in the erectile tissues or reach orgasm as easily as when they were younger.

and so my preference here has been met
By #400852 at 14,Oct,13 13:38
I like that,you described me to a T

By #70814 at 14,Oct,13 20:20
I agree with you, but some have an 8 inch cock AND the ability to make it hard as steel (it's all about the PC muscles). Check this out :

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

[deleted image]

By #400852 at 15,Oct,13 09:41
that's a nice cock
By #70814 at 15,Oct,13 17:59
thank you.

By #436014 at 15,Oct,13 18:11
i'd suck it without hesitation

By #460523 at 28,Jul,14 03:17
I have a 6.25 X 5

By #64328 at 27,Jul,14 21:11
I was told by a urologist who is a friend of mine that more men are 6 inches or less than those that are over 6 inches. He said the most accurate medical survey puts the average at 5.23

By #384365 at 20,Oct,13 15:06
sex is meant to be gentle for both parties and not an excuse for a man to hurt a woman.
By #400852 at 21,Oct,13 22:46
I agree

By #437008 at 19,Oct,13 11:33
It looks very nice to me
By #400852 at 20,Oct,13 11:58

By #377688 at 16,Oct,13 09:45
[deleted image]
By #400852 at 18,Oct,13 09:35
That's a nice cock

By #179934 at 17,Oct,13 09:56
A 6 inch cock is fine

By #291694 at 17,Oct,13 03:44
A 6 inch cock would work perfect for me..
By #400852 at 17,Oct,13 09:41
Thanks,your beautiful,and so hot

By #328554 at 15,Oct,13 18:04
6.5" x 5.5" never had a complaint and never felt short changed, utterly, totally 100% happy with my dick.
By #436014 at 15,Oct,13 18:12
lucky bastard :p

edit: seeing pics of both yours and mine, i'd still go with mine but yours is definitely nice, i'd suck it

By _avg_ at 12,Oct,13 16:11 other posts of _avg_ 
1. Size doesn't really matter unless you're really small or really big
2. When it comes to size, girth is more important than length
3. Your perception that there are 'so many massive cocks' on this site is purely selection bias: you're remembering all the big ones and ignoring the many, many more smaller guys. It's not always intentional and we're all guilty of it from time to time.
4. Did I mention that size doesn't really matter? There's nothing you can do about your size anyway, so there's really no point fretting about it.
By #70814 at 14,Oct,13 20:26
not only do people remember what they want to remember (the big ones), but the (very few in proportion) huge ones are also the most popular and thus the ones that appear on the front page.

By #4222 at 13,Oct,13 21:23
I've actually had a few people say if it ain't 8, it ain't great, and no sex for me. OK so they didn't make it rhyme, but I believe the internet has made 6" passe, and 8" is the new 6" of the past.
By #70814 at 14,Oct,13 20:24
There are extremely few people (in proportion) that are real 8+ inches.

Could you imagine having to try maybe 30 men until you find one that is "big enough" to be "great" ?

People tend to exaggerate easily (about their size and about their preferences).

By #376736 at 13,Oct,13 22:14
6 inches is just fine. I've been with some smaller than 6 (and yes for me there is such a thing as too small, I was with a guy long ago who was maybe 3 inches), and my guy is over 8 inches. There is also too much, one of my ex-boyfriends was huge (11 inches and almost to fat to even give him any sort of oral pleasures). Stop worrying about the size of your toy.
By #400852 at 14,Oct,13 13:36
Thanks your great and I love your page,great pics and a beautiful lady

By #436014 at 13,Oct,13 09:27
I think that the phrase "size matters" applies when you're talking about a 4-incher. If you've got a 6-incher you're fine, you're not considered small, and that's the average so nature built things where average is plenty to get the job done. Many women would prefer 6 inches to 4 inches, but 8-9 inches to 6 inches? Probably not as many. Also there are plenty of vaginas that fill up after about 4 or 5 inches of shaft so having a 5-incher puts you slightly on the small side but it's a good fit for many women. I think it's the 4-inchers that would usually get passed over for the 6-7 inchers in many cases (other things being equal of course).

Mine is 6 inches and I'm pretty happy with it but I'd be really happy with 7 inches, cocks that size are just really hot. Not sure I'd rather have 8 inches than 6, though. cocks that big tend to be more difficult to insert in desired openings...

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