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how do you search for members?

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Started by #437064 at 19,Oct,13 14:21
How do you search for member usernames on this site, can't seem to figure it out. Any help appreciated.

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By #437064 at 19,Oct,13 14:32
Ok figured it out now but i have a new problem, I'm looking for an old member I think it was maverick83x but i can't find it anywhere, even tried searching under just country etc, do accounts get deleted sometimes or something?
By bella! at 19,Oct,13 15:25 other posts of bella! 
For the most part, members choose to delete their profile. When that happens, everything goes, the name, the pictures, the entire footprint. If you're certain that the member you are looking for was known as maverick83x and you've used the search option with no results, it would be safe to say that maverick83x no longer has a profile. So often, former members will return and pick different user names so searching for someone based on location could be tedious but may yield results providing you recognize the members attributes. Good luck, I hope you find who you're searching for but if you don't, there are so many other amazing members to connect with.

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