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We seem to be getting more abusive on some form posts.

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by #384365 at 20,Oct,13 16:45
One post I read today got more and more abusive the longer it went on. We all have different slants on life. None of us can claim our view is the one sole true one. Please can we stay calm and polite. Abuse puts people off from posting anything. If a persons figure doesn't measure up to someone, remember either perhaps neither does your's, but also the person in question does not want their feelings hurt and perhaps needs a bit of a compliment. We cannot all be perfect nor can we have the same views.

Similar topics: 1.Are folks getting more mean than usual on SYD/SYC lately?   2.Responders who can't stay on topic!   3.anna12   4.The "Is this Gay" posts.   5.Why the censoring (replaced by "***") of totally innocuous words?  

New Comment

By #316255 at 21,Oct,13 04:09
It's one of the reasons I've been spending less time on the site.
By bigguy at 30,Oct,13 11:15 other posts of bigguy 
I'm very sorry Emm I was way out of line with you. I know you probably don't care but I do!! Sooo sorry!!

By spermkiss at 20,Oct,13 16:50 other posts of spermkiss 
Right on, man! Click on my other posts and pull up my Forum topic "An Appeal for Civilized Conduct on the Forum" posted way back in December, 2010.

Adult Discussion Forum