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The Ugly Penis.

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Started by #409634 at 22,Oct,13 21:13
There once was an ugly penis. It was so ugly, that everyone died. The end.

Similar topics: 1.Ugly cocks   2.Ugly cocks?   3.Pretty or ugly   4.Pretty or ugly   5.My ugly circumcised penis I wish I had a foreskin  

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By bigone21 at 23,Oct,13 16:26 other posts of bigone21 
There was some ugly anything. Nobody died, all had to just cope with it.
By #328554 at 23,Oct,13 16:30
Can't see it being a big seller, sorry bigone but your talent doesn't lie in storytelling
By bigone21 at 23,Oct,13 21:01 other posts of bigone21 
well good-guy, your talent isn't being a sharp critic... you thought I was telling a story? read the paper, talk to some people in the street, give your eyes and ears a workout!
By #415959 at 23,Oct,13 21:09
I'll tag along, I mean "WHO" doesn't like to talk with ugly penis people in the street? I will dedicate my eyes, but my ears are off limits for ugly penis'.
By bigone21 at 23,Oct,13 21:48 other posts of bigone21 
only your ears? how about that sweet ass??

By #328554 at 23,Oct,13 22:14
Oh it was a social commentary, i get it now. your world must really suck, i'm glad mine differs.
By bigone21 at 23,Oct,13 22:47 other posts of bigone21 
glad you're happy what's going on!

By #428387 at 23,Oct,13 17:14
Did every one die of fright at the sight or did they die laughing am I right. Good night.
By #409634 at 23,Oct,13 18:59
That, and the bad tacobell chulupas they ate at the company potluck.
By #358797 at 23,Oct,13 19:13
The last time I went to taco bell I got a plain old soft taco, opened it up to put sour cream on it, and found a fucking spider crawling through the lettuce.
Maybe the same happened to the folk at the company picnic. Except they weren't lucky enough to find the spider before consuming it. Never know. Lol.
By #428387 at 23,Oct,13 19:23
Whats worst than finding a spider in your taco. Finding half a one with it's head bitten off .
By #358797 at 23,Oct,13 19:27
By #409634 at 23,Oct,13 19:32
I think finding out the beef and beans in your taco isn't really beef and beans would be worse
By #358797 at 23,Oct,13 20:13
Agreed. Lol. I was always told taco bell used ground up rat tails. Lmao.

By bella! at 23,Oct,13 21:11 other posts of bella! 
Fairy, I thought I heard that Taco Bell's beef wasn't really beef. It is allegedly a soy based product that is reconstituted with water.

I just Google'd Taco Bell meat and the beef filling is 36% beef with oats, spices, water and fillers.

By bella! at 22,Oct,13 21:17 other posts of bella! 
YOU JUST MADE THAT UP! ( The part about everybody died. )
By #409634 at 22,Oct,13 21:19
Sadly no, I was just bored and felt like doing a re-telling of some classic literature.
By bella! at 22,Oct,13 21:25 other posts of bella! 
The part about everyone dying is true?

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