We all have different feelings about our Penis’ for me personally I would do anything to have a cut 7 inch like yours, it’s my ideal size and look.
My foreskin has done nothing for me, I get no pleasure from it, never have in fact it’s quite short and tight and pulls back and stays back half the time, this I’m happy with as it makes me look circumcised.
I love the look of your cock Man
By #631189 at 14,Jan,21 23:42
My foreskin is similar, you get best of both worlds!
By #202354 at 11,Jan,21 00:37
I was never given a choice, it was done to me at birth. Some doctor probably talked my parents into it so he could charge for it. Obviously too late to worry about it, but if I had been given a choice I would never have let them do it.
By #631189 at 09,Jan,21 18:25
Your penis is absolutely perfect. You learn to love it with all its quirks as you get older.
Then suspend your judgment and just use it without thinking what it looks like. Besides, chances are that your partners won't have the same feeling as you, they'll just want a good fuck from you.
instead you are lucky, your penis is very beautiful. this in the photo is my penis in the maximum erection and this is really an ugly penis as well as small, only 3.8 inches. what do you think about it?
front view my max erection
By #613564 at 03,May,20 08:01
I think yours is beautiful!! Why did you get circumcised if you liked having a foreskin?
Personally, I LOVE the nice circumcised ones! So nice!
By #202392 at 04,May,20 13:32
I was circumcised at birth, wasnt my choice
By #518391 at 01,May,20 13:17
I think it looks great! I put up with a troublesome foreskin for years, first as a teenager when it wouldn't retract and later when I developed recurring balanitis, so I was happy to be rid of it when I was 65.
Grant me the power to change what I can, the serenity to accept what I cannot change and the wisdom to tell the difference.
You've been circumcised and that cannot be changed very easily if at all. Accept it and get on with your life. And stop thinking of your penis as ugly. It's not.
My foreskin has done nothing for me, I get no pleasure from it, never have in fact it’s quite short and tight and pulls back and stays back half the time, this I’m happy with as it makes me look circumcised.
I love the look of your cock Man
That's what counts dude!
front view my max erection
Personally, I LOVE the nice circumcised ones! So nice!
Grant me the power to change what I can, the serenity to accept what I cannot change and the wisdom to tell the difference.
You've been circumcised and that cannot be changed very easily if at all. Accept it and get on with your life. And stop thinking of your penis as ugly. It's not.