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Thoughts about nicknames.

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Started by #301038 at 31,Oct,13 18:48
Do you ever base your opinion about a member depending on their nickname? For me, some nicknames are sexy and even attractive, while others scream "WEIRD PERVERT", "LACK OF IMAGINATION" or "WHY? JUST WHY???".

There are several members that are trying to contact me once in a while and I'm so repelled by their nicknames that I can't even reply back. Yuck.

I wish members would put a little more thoughts when choosing their nicknames.

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New Comment

By #364688 at 01,Nov,13 03:05
a "peach" of a comment........

By bella! at 31,Oct,13 19:21 other posts of bella! 
I agree, some of the nicknames do scream "WEIRD PERVERT" and some say, "I DON'T THINK VERY MUCH OF MYSELF", and sadly, many of those members are women.
By #301038 at 31,Oct,13 19:27
A lot of them are into sub/dom and get durned on when feeling degraded. There is one guy, peeslave4you, or something like that, who wants to be my pee slave, whatever that is, once every 2 months or so...
By #358797 at 01,Nov,13 02:38
I blocked the peeslave fella a while back. He annoyed me hardcore.

Adult Discussion Forum