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Pop ups and site redircts

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Started by #136427 at 01,Nov,13 11:42
Why is there so many pop ups and site redirects when clicking on pics? Never used to get them but now its almost every other click... The reason I joined and posted pics on this site was for the virus free pussy. now it seems you are not safe here either. I just got a redirect to a page telling me I got an android device virus and I could not get away from the page without closing explorer. Such a bummer to deal with when you got your pecker in one hand...

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New Comment

By #4222 at 02,Nov,13 00:01
Are you using IE8? If you have an XP system you are at risk. Try Mozilla--it seems to help. But I agree--there's a whole lotta crap that tries to grab you.
By #136427 at 02,Nov,13 14:29
Na, im on an andraoid device not sure how they rank for viruses...

By #90761 at 02,Nov,13 14:44
You have no virus its a fake, and they make sure that the page can not be accessed without shutting down the browser, i had a police warning come up once, problem was the details where wrong and it was a fake. I am surprised that pictures are be redirected as being here for years i have never seen that
By #136427 at 02,Nov,13 16:30
But you see it now? Happens now then, but enoufh to be a pain

By #164428 at 01,Nov,13 20:42
Virus free pussy is always a good thing!
By CreativeOne at 01,Nov,13 23:52 other posts of CreativeOne 
Soooooooooooo True "Cum4Steffi" !!!

By #136427 at 01,Nov,13 20:04
It seems to be a new thing, and by new I mean past few months. There are already banners. I feel redirects the ads that hijack my broweser are not cool at all. Nobody ever clicks on something like that...

Adult Discussion Forum