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stuck my penis in

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Started by #438710 at 25,Jan,14 00:47
What kind of food can i stuck my penis in ?

Similar topics: 1.Have you ever stuck your whole dick in a pussy?   2.uncommon masturbation devices   3.zipping up your dick or sack...   4.Be glad your penis is not on your face.   5.Women On This Site  

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By #167701 at 25,Jan,14 01:18
Oh! This is one of my favorite fetishes.... Anything you can think of and then post it, please. Did ya see that clip of the hot college guy that fucks an apple pie with his big cock? It's very popular. You can fuck any melons, pumpkins (feels better at room temp, of course). I've actually seen a guy fuck a baked whole chicken. That's a bit further then I'd go, though. Basically, stick your big dick in anything that might feel good and look hot! Not sure why I like this topic so much, but really do... It's just hot to me. Would love to have a hot young waiter cum on my entree and then glance down at it an show me. When I worked p/t at Pizza Hut this young cook could cum all the time and would frequently cum on known customers that didn't tip. Due to the time delay and the heat of the pizza no one could detect the jizz by the time it go there. They just ate the pizza with the cum. What's the point if they don't know, not sure. Have to admit that on a couple of occasions that I gave the cook a little help in getting off as I needed to get on the road.
By bella! at 25,Jan,14 01:36 other posts of bella! 
Holy crap! You've disclosed that you've been arrested and now you're telling us that you slide your dick into pumpkins, room temp, of course!?! Please, no more! Lalalalalalala............ I can't hear you!!!!
By CreativeOne at 25,Jan,14 01:48 other posts of CreativeOne 

By #167701 at 25,Jan,14 23:19
Well, that's just me. I've always said that if you don't like what I have to say then you don't have to listen (or read what I wrote).
By bella! at 26,Jan,14 02:18 other posts of bella! 
By #435701 at 30,Jan,14 15:45

By #316255 at 30,Jan,14 01:53
I'm sorry my reaction to your disgusting behaviour warranted your sending me a negative gift, you gross man. Grow the fuck up, you big asinine baby.

I see I'm the only one who received the toilet roll grater. Should I feel honoured?!
--------------------------------------- added after 2 hours

Thank you for spewing your nasty personal deficiency on my page, you deviant fucker. Sadly, you blacklisted me because my pointing out what you illegally do (disgustingly spraying your cum in unsuspecting people's food) as bring vile upset your poor little ego. I'm sad now. Boo hoo hoo. Bye bye, you deviant biological terrorist.
By #167701 at 31,Jan,14 04:22
You're really a stupid cunt. Been on here a very long time and really don't understand why women are on here at all. I mean it is titled " How the fuck do women come into play w/ that?

You need to shut your mouth and find a site where it's "straight" as most of these guys care nothing of your disgusting twat. See, stupid slut? Get the fuck out, bitch. So wish we could meet in person!
By #303133 at 31,Jan,14 15:51
Really bad form here, Jumper.

Emm was correct. Shooting jizz on an unsuspecting customer's food is both disgusting and criminal (whether they tip or not).

Verbally abusing her--and claiming that you are doing it as a spokesman for other gay members on the site--is also out of line.

As someone who has "been on here a very long time", I would think that you would have better manners in the forum...

Shame on you.
By #316255 at 31,Jan,14 18:14
Thank you, Will. Fortunately, I don't see Jumper's undoubtedly despicable response since I had the sense to blacklist the abusive moron. I don't know how longevity on this site allows him to think he can dictate who can, and can't, frequent it. I have a good many gay friends; hell, I work in an LGBQT oriented environment. To suggest I have no sensitivity is ludicrous. Being gay doesn't make Jumper a deviant, his actions do. As does his reaction. He could be straight/bi/asexual.... he'd still be a deviant for what he claims to do with people's food. Anyway, thanks again, Will.
By #303133 at 31,Jan,14 19:08
You're quite welcome, Emm.
I detest misogynistic behavior. It is unbecoming in ANY man, but I particularly resent it when gay men behave in such a fashion and represent it as a common practice for ALL gay guys. It most certainly is NOT!
That issue aside, though, the dick and cunt sites share a Forum. The ladies have just as much right to post here as any male member does.
By #316255 at 31,Jan,14 19:18
My best friend here, in the US, is an Australian man who just happens to be gay. We're very similar in personality and laugh a lot together. He has a loathing for misogynistic men, regardless of orientation.

I found, in the one time I went in chat, that the gay men there rather preferred not to have any women present. Are we cootie bearers?
By #303133 at 31,Jan,14 21:03
A bit of irony:
In my experience, the most misogynistic gay men also tend to be the most effeminate in behavior. I believe it has something to do with pussy-envy...
It also boggles my mind that a group of people who are so quick to piss and moan about how they are disrespected and mistreated because of their sexual orientation can turn around and mistreat and disrespect another group of people because of their gender.
Some fags can be such incredible bitches!
By #316255 at 31,Jan,14 21:10
Bitches are bitches, regardless of gender.
By #415959 at 31,Jan,14 23:42
I was especially disappointed that a valued member here would immediately send Jumper a gift of roses after demonstrating such vile behavior.
By bella! at 01,Feb,14 01:22 other posts of bella! 
Jumper is and has been my friend for quite some time so why is there a need for you to be disappointed? In your estimation, would it have been more appropriate for me to send him any other gift? I have "met" a number of people in my time here, some I have referred to me by names other than my profile name or my birth name, Linda. Just about 20 months ago, give or take, a relatively new member ( at that time ) published our private conversation in the forum. Although I was disappointed that (s)he would betray that trust, I didn't feel the need to react in a negative manner. I trust that you support your friends and don't pass judgement, after all, they are human and do not always make rational or the same choices that you would.

By bella! at 01,Feb,14 02:52 other posts of bella! 
You are a real piece of work and as pathetic as they come. Rather than spend your money to buy points to shit up Jumper's page or to drop ANOTHER deuce on mine, use your money to increase your weekly offering. Michigan has a high rate of unemployed, why not buy someone in need a hot meal or a cup of coffee. Here's another idea, donate your time and money to the Salvation Army, they work hard to reach out to those in need. You call yourself 2nice but you're nothing more than a keyboard bully. Way to go!
By #415959 at 01,Feb,14 03:04
Linda, are you drunk, retarded, incapacitated, or otherwise incapable of conscience thought?

How could you in any represent this sort of behavior?

Jumper at 30,Jan,14 23:22 other posts
You're really a stupid cunt. Been on here a very long time and really don't understand why women are on here at all. I mean it is titled " How the fuck do women come into play w/ that?

You need to shut your mouth and find a site where it's "straight" as most of these guys care nothing of your disgusting twat. See, stupid slut? Get the fuck out, bitch. So wish we could meet in person!
By bella! at 01,Feb,14 03:29 other posts of bella! 
My question to you would be; are YOU drunk? Look at yourself, really examine who you are. Do you believe that you're anything more than a bully? What Jumper did is on him, you stated your opinion just as I did and several others. What? What do you expect?

Who the fuck are you? Who died and left you in charge?

By #316057 at 02,Feb,14 18:41
Wow jumper that was not nice to say to a female

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