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What is your fatal flaw?

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Started by #437064 at 25,Jan,14 07:07
Everyone has one, and we not talking looks.

Mine: Total lack of self discipline causing wide range of financial and health issues.

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By #435701 at 30,Jan,14 20:15
I am human...which is by itself fatal.

By pifad at 30,Jan,14 02:44 other posts of pifad 
Always worried that the other guy is not happy

By #201583 at 28,Jan,14 22:39
I strive to be the best person that I can be. Most people say that is my strength, but it is also my flaw. People see it as if I was trying to be first in a competition. Then they get pissed when I don't judge them for judging me. I live in black and white while most people live in grey.

By #204766 at 27,Jan,14 06:22
Arrogance cant help it oh and excessive sarcasm

By #261269 at 27,Jan,14 05:57
By ignoring them, thinking they would just go away, then finding out too late when the damage is done

By #358797 at 27,Jan,14 03:12
Mine is I care too much about the things that don't matter and not enough about the important stuff. My priorities are backwards. Lol.

By Odin_york_pa at 27,Jan,14 02:07 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
the fear of failing. It has made me not try so much and things I do do I don't give 100% so if I fail, I can at least say I never really tried all that hard anyway

By qqqq1234 at 26,Jan,14 00:13 other posts of qqqq1234 
My answer is the same as yours

By #232212 at 25,Jan,14 16:49
Still alive but beer, rum and smokes will kill me in the end or the cuntface I married
By pifad at 25,Jan,14 21:19 other posts of pifad 
except vodka is my drink of choice. Otherwise in the same stinking swamp!

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