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Started by phart at 20,Oct,19 17:27  other posts of phart
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Mind you, everything I just said could equally apply to guns rather than alcohol. I think in both instances it's tricky because it becomes a matter of "personal freedom" vs limiting peoples' access to something dangerous they've had free access to previously.
Guns can be left in the drawer,no one is addicted to shooting guns and killing as they are drinking.It is a chemical dependancy that is very distructive.
BTW, prohibition didn't work because people still wanted booze, hard booze, and if they couldn't get it legally, they went the illegal way. The Feds, rightly thought, If we can't control it, lets tax it and get rid of the bootleggers. Something similar is happening with pot
Must come down
Defying gravity
I think I'll try
Defying gravity
And you can't pull me down
Why? The Sun releases energy by means of nuclear fusion in its core. This requires both extremely high temperature and pressure. And this conditions are met by--you already guessed it-- the gravity of the Sun's immense mass pushing inward. No gravity, no fusion, no sunshine.
BTW, there are other problems involved with the Sun no longer shining. Use your imagination.
From what you've reported, it's dangerous to live in third world countries.
Out law guns because people get hurt or killed by them.
Gun Deaths By Country 2019
Gun-related deaths are not uncommon. In fact, the number of people who die as a result of gunshots is incredibly high, and in 2016 alone, over two hundred fifty thousand people passed away from gun-related incidents.
The top six countries that contributed the most to the total number of atrocities were Brazil, the United States, Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, and Guatemala.
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More people died from falls than by firearms! But no one wants to outlaw gravity.
Perhaps we need to outlaw falling!?!
Catch cow farts as they are adding to the polution and end the need for cows per the New Green Deal
Surf And Turf: To Reduce Gas Emissions From Cows, Scientists Look To The Ocean : The Salt When cows burp, they emit the potent greenhouse gas methane into the atmosphere. But by adding seaweed to the cows' diets, researchers are noticing a dramatic reduction in methane production.
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and so on.
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Skittles, did you get any from mama yesterday?