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masturbating for the first time (guys)

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Started by #383614 at 02,May,13 13:24
when you masturbated for the first time and ejacluated was it painful?and how old were you at the time ? I was 13 my first time.

Similar topics: 1.What kind of porn do you look at?   2.masturbating to much   3.Have you ever caught someone masturbating?   4.Masturbating - Your Usual Routine?   5.masturbating for the first time (girls)  

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By nekekal at 05,Nov,22 20:51 other posts of nekekal 
I don't really know. I played with my penis all the time. Indoors, outdoor, everywhere. I cannot remember it not being hard. At some point it started rewarding me with fluid and felt even better and I was a confirmed masturbator. We moved when I was in the fifth grade and I know that I was ejaculating before then.

Never any pain. Just awesome pleasure.

By Bonedawgie at 31,Oct,22 18:17 other posts of Bonedawgie 
very young age... totally enjoyable but messy!

By #662360 at 24,Jun,22 06:38
It certainly wasn’t painful, quite the opposite! I was age 13. I was getting good hard erections and I’d discovered fingering my erect cock felt good but I’d never cum. One summer night I was laying naked in bed. I liked being naked to play with my cock because it felt exciting. Quite by accident I got the tugging and stroking action on my stiff cock shaft just right. It felt real good. After a few minutes the most incredible pleasure rose in my cock. My cock became incredibly stiff, and that’s the closest it got to pain. Then in an exquisite explosion of pleasure I shot about a spoonful of white creamy fluid up my chest. Afterwards I felt relaxed and exhilarated.

By #621421 at 11,Jul,20 00:06
I was all alone in the bathroom taking a warm bath at age 12.I started touching my dick and it got harder.I kept stroking and rubbing it up and down until it got real hard.I didnt knew about orgasm or ejaculation back then, but I kept jerking until new strong pleasurable feeling hit me and I peed something sticky.I was shocked when orgasm hit me and when I picked white liquid from the water surface and smelled it I knew it wasnt pee.It smelled funny and strange.I was relaxed whole evening and next day did the same.
By Olddude at 11,May,22 11:19 other posts of Olddude 
Pretty much the way it happened to me! I was in the bathtub and my penis was hard, at that time I had no idea why. I started wash it with and it felt good I kept washing it and I felt like I had to pee but could not then I got a intense feeling of of total pleasure and had a ejaculation. Did not know why, but I was hooked! Could not leave my penis alone after that. At 77 I still can't!!!!!

By Francesco at 11,May,22 09:52 other posts of Francesco 
I was 11 and I knew the theory but when I spurted my cum all over the place I panicked all the same . The feeling was amazing though.

By #64328 at 11,May,22 00:13
No...but it was exciting to finally be able to shot cum

By #662906 at 11,May,22 00:04
No pain all pleasure and I was 11.

By #536019 at 21,Nov,21 17:13
If internet porn had been around in the early 1960s, I would have started masturbating several years earlier than my discovery at age 13.
By #631189 at 21,Nov,21 17:50
I wish I’d been around to masturbate with you, your cock is absolutely gorgeous

By #631189 at 21,Nov,21 17:10
It definitely wasn’t painful, it was both the best and scary feeling at the same time as my penis experienced it’s first climax. When the cum spurted out I just didn’t know what was happening, but then found a sticky thick white mess all over my tummy. I soon learned how much I liked it though and used to cum into anything that was nearby, usually a sock or onto my cheap non brand briefs my mum bought me!

By LGA6969 at 21,Nov,21 16:59 other posts of LGA6969 
I had wet dreams about 7 or 8 years old
About 12 or 13 years I would hump my pillow night after night then one night I was humping like mad and then it happened I had my first real orgasm. It felt wonderful the next morning I got up early to wash my sticky sheets

By #656399 at 21,Nov,21 04:49
I was between 12 and 13. My first ejaculation was by accident.

I always feel upset, because I wish I started masturbating earlier. I always hear stories about guys masturbating since they were kids. I never had a dry orgasm, for example, because when I started I was already producing semen. I do have an older brother, and older cousins, but they never introduced me to it; on the one hand I'm like, good that I preserved my innocence for longer, but on the other hand I'm like, I feel like I was robbed lol

But anyways, I really had no reference about masturbation, in the sense that since nobody ever talked to me about it, not even classmates or anything, I didn't think it was good nor bad. It was on 5th grade of elementary school that we learned about sex. The textbook did mention the changes in the body at puberty, and mentioned the word masturbation, but it was a very dictionary-like definition. Literally just a couple of lines, more or less like "masturbation is touching one's genitals until reaching orgasm". And moved to the next chapter, like there was no explanation as to touching how, or what was the orgasm or like, yeah, it was very abstract. I remember thinking I always "touch" my genitals when I shower and I don't feel anything particularly different.

Up until that point, of course I remember having erections, but I never felt curiosity to touch it or stroke it or anything. It would usually happen when getting out of the shower, just the feeling of standing there naked, would give me a hard on, and I would just wait for it to go down to put on my underwear. Nowadays I think about it and I'm like "WHY DID I NEVER DO ANYTHING WITH IT?" haha

So 5th and 6th grade went by. Again, in 6th grade we had another chapter about sexuality, and the same, to me all of that were just textbook definitions, like learning about the digestive system or something. Nothing triggered my curiosity.

Again, I wish I stumbled upon idk, a comedy movie showing a guy jacking off or something that made me wonder like, hey, what's that, but nope, it never happened.

Eventually I did stumble upon something that led me to "masturbating" but in a really weird way. So Aerosmith had released a music video, I don't remember which song, but the video was at the beach, and there was a part where there are a bunch of guys trying to show off, and the girls put down their shorts, and rolled socks fell off, like, they were trying to show a bigger bulge. So this video would always come up on MTV, and one day I was like, that's so stupid, why put on a sock then when you're with the girl, you'll have to reveal your size. Also, bulges aren't round, you have to like imitate the shape of the penis.

So one day after the shower, I put on my underwear, and was like, let me try that. So I put on my clean socks under my tight trousers, and it was the most delicious sensation ever. The softness of the socks, and the tightness of the underwear pushing them against my junk, gave me the hardest erection ever. I started shaking, I was scared, but excited. So I just removed them and continued with my day, but I would keep doing this every time I got off the shower.

But my mom was always yelling at me for spending too much time at the bathroom, so instead, I started doing it at night, in my bed. All I would do was just stuff some socks in my briefs, and just enjoy the feeling until I fell asleep.

At this point, my curiosity was already triggered. I already knew all the theory, but I had never watched porn nor could I do it, because we only had one computer in my house that was in the living room, so it was a no-no.

I'd never actually seen an ejaculation, a guy cumming. It's strange, but I kept searching in all the dictionaries and encyclopedias in my house about "semen" "ejaculation" "orgasm" etc. My mom was a nurse when she was younger, so I would read all her books about human anatomy and all the things they said about the penis, and puberty, and sex, etc. That was my equivalent of reading erotic novels But it was still kind of scary because ejaculation's definitions always were like "violent expulsion of liquid from an organ" so I was like, wtf is that suppose to feel like?

So anyways, one day I kept doing this thing with the socks around my dick, and from outside the underwear, I started squeezing it. So between my hand and my dick, there were several layers of underwear and socks. It felt great and kept doing it and doing it until I started shaking, my toes curled, I felt my dick throbbing, and I just came. My heart was beating super fast, I felt like a void in my stomach. It felt great yet scary at the same time, and I just fell asleep.

I kept doing this almost every weekend, because it would take some time, and I didn't want to oversleep for school during weekdays.

So for, idk, 2 or 3 months I ejaculated like this, without actually seeing what semen looked like. The next morning the socks would only have a yellowish stain and this strong odor like chlorine. But I started to get worried because the skin of my prepuce was getting these tiny bruises because of how hard I would squeeze my dick. Yes, at this point I still hadn't figured out I had to stroke instead of squeeze.

So one day I was like, I need to change this strategy. I was really dying to see what semen looked like. So one day in the shower I just went there and stroked it, I don't even know how I thought of it, it just felt natural to do that motion. And I came, but because I was under the shower, the water would quickly turn the semen into this jello like consistency. I was like, nope, this is not what all the dictionaries say it's like.

So after several months of doing it like this, I was like, I'm gonna do it outside of the shower. And so I did, and the first time I came in my hand was like, everything made sense for the first time. But this was like almost a year since the first time I ejaculated.

There have been many milestones: my first wet dream, that was a whole experience too. Then my first time using lube. My first time watching porn. My first sex toy. The first time I tried anal play. The first prostate orgasm (though this came way into my 20's, I wish I started sooner).

Many times, except my first time having sex with someone else. Hhaha, I love masturbation so much that I've never felt interested in having sex with someone. But maybe someday I'll dare.

By #621517 at 11,Jul,20 17:56
I was 13 laying naked on my bed playing with my hard up cock. I liked fingering it but had never masturbated. Somehow by accident I got the tugging and stroking just right and I jerked my load up my chest. It certainly wasn’t painful. It felt absolutely fantastic, suddenly incredibly stiff and sensitive in my hand, then pow!

By #1102 at 27,Jun,20 09:19
i luv hearing all the storys of fist time
By #64328 at 30,Jun,20 17:06
I great hearing other people's introduction to masturabating. I could read those stories all day.

By #616943 at 09,May,20 06:01
It was definitely not painful. I had been at it maybe close to two years. I would Climax, stroking crazily till I could not take it. My dick becoming too sensitive, and a dribble of clear fluid. For maybe two or more months, I wanted to keep going, but could not. One day, I finally was able to push passed it, and came my first thick white orgasm all over myself. I was 11.

By thicknsmooth at 09,May,20 02:52 other posts of thicknsmooth 
I developed a fascination with my dick at a very young age. Around the age of 3 as I recall. I would play with it exploring and loving every single part of it. Once I reached the age of 5, I started school and there I made friends with other boys and became curious as to what their bodies and dicks were like I wondered if they played with their dicks also. I made it to the second grade and at the age of 8 I had my first experience with another boy. The whole story is in my blog. It was then I realized my dick was much bigger than any of the other boys dicks. The boy I was playing with had experience with other boys and he said my dick was to big to suck and he would only lick and suck the head just a little bit. I was 10 years old when one day I came home from school. I was alone in the house. My Mom told me to vacuum my room when I got home. I started vacuuming the room and some how I started to let the vacuum hose suck on my dick. It felt so good I could not stop I let it suck my dick till all of the sudden I felt really good and got a little dizzy as I felt some liquid coming out of my dick. At first I got scared not realizing what just happened. Then I quickly pulled the vacuum hose off my dick and had to lay down for a little bit. I remember my dick being really sensitive for a little while after. I had just learned a new love for the vacuum. I used that thing for a couple of months until my dick would no longer fit in the hose

By #64328 at 07,May,20 18:07
I was 13 and a half the first time I shot sperm but had been masturbating since I was 8 and having dry orgasms usually several times a day before I shot my first load. I had seen others and knew exactly what it was. That was a proud day and had been waiting for it to happen for a long time

By #615202 at 07,May,20 00:32
I started actually playing with my dick when I was like middle school. Then learns how to cum in 8th grade. I kinda watched some porn I was like what happens if i do that with my hand and cum came out. Had to wipe it quickly and I had foreskin at the time too.

By earthy at 06,May,20 22:21 other posts of earthy 
I was 13 the first time I shot sperm. It kind of freaked me out for a little bit even though I knew what it was. I was lying naked on my bed after school one day and was like "oh shit!" But definitely not painful. It felt amazing!

By #516354 at 18,Apr,20 04:30
From the age of about 13 I used to wake up with a hard on and aching balls.Then one day there when I woke up with a hard on there was a pool of white sticky stuff on the bed which I now know was cum.Then one day this happened:

I was 14 and used to do a paper round.One day my next door neighbour asked if she could come with me(she was also 14).On the round there was a playground with a big play house,she asked if I fancied a cigarette so we went into the play house and started smoking.As we sat there and smoked I kept glancing over at her and could see her panties, which were on view, and started to get a hard on.I had had them before but did not know what to do.She noticed my hard on and asked if she could see 'it' so embarrassingly I stood up an pulled my jeans and pants down.She took hold of cock and started to rub it up and down,she did this for a few minuets and it felt really good.Then told me to do it myself and as I was masturbating she lifted up her skirt and took off panties and started to play with herself.I soon had my first orgasm, shooting my cum all over the floor and stood there red faced and embarrassed not understanding what had happened.She giggled and said it was ok and that she had spied on her older stepbrother a few times and was supposed to happen.We repeated this on several occasions and after a few months we even both got naked and she let me touch her small breasts and her pussy whilst masturbating.

By #64328 at 04,Jan,15 20:05
Those days of dry orgasms were great. I could get away with doing it almost anywhere with no mess to worry about.
By tb1 at 07,Feb,15 16:52 other posts of tb1 
me too
By #64328 at 04,Dec,16 19:55
When i was having dry orgasms 5 times a day was average for me. I was hooked on that feeling.
By #463848 at 17,Apr,20 06:53
At what age did you eventually produce semen?
By #64328 at 17,Apr,20 16:58
Started masturbating at 8 but I was 13 and a have the first time I shot sperm

By #463848 at 17,Apr,20 06:56
Once I started, I never stopped. At first I was always intrigued by my erection as, having a small cock, I was pleased to see it bigger when erect. I think at first I must have wnaked off every time I sat on the toilet.
By #64328 at 17,Apr,20 16:57
Same here, everything I say on the toilet I had to beat off for years

By #606526 at 14,Apr,20 10:34
Was 14 and had seen others guys a few times wank off and shoot this white stuff. On day a special a stranger I met in the dark , got chatting and showed me his dick and wanked off , got me hard . No idea what was going on when he shot his white stuff all over my dick . Went into a darker area in a he park when he asked if I could shoot. Had no idea what he was on about till he took my cock out and wanked me off till I got this urge to pee, told him . It was dark so noit he just get going till I felt this incredible Rush of pleasure thinking it was pee with an added dimension , being dark had no idea . Now till the first time I jacked my self off . Was getting hard on’s so one day in the bathroom I just grabbed my 14 year old cock when le it was so hard it was hurting me . Lied down on the floor , kept pulling away till I got that urge to pee again . Kept going when the pleasure feeling came back , in the light this time of course when I started to shoot what felt like gallons on the white stuff all over my stomach, even hitting my face , was the start of something special

By Wipperman at 20,Jul,18 08:26 other posts of Wipperman 
8 05:10
I remember my first orgasm at 12 i was playing with my cock but something made me carry on then this sensation started and I just kept going I couldn’t stop I remember to this day it was the most wonderful feeling my whole body was shaking in extesy towards the end of this most wonderful finding in my body but the orgasm was dry then I did it again and again then the white fluid started to come out wow it was fantastic and I’m still doing it to this day and always have fantastic orgasms , but always wish I could experience that first time again it is unforgettable

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 08:19
It felt heavenly for me my first orgasm.I was about 14 having a bath and got my hands on my little dick back then.I got hard and still playing with my hands until my first orgasm hit me and I blew my first load back then.I didn't know it was cum, I tought it was pee so I smelled it and touched it.After that day I started masturbating daily and blew so many loads.

By #550700 at 04,Jul,18 14:23
I was and about 5 cuzzins...4 girls and I guy ..all masturbated was weird watching every1 cuz and them watchin me..kinda hurt

By #463848 at 04,Jul,18 07:00
I had my first dry orgasm at 11 and this was unexpected and surprisingly forceful. I felt more in my head than in my cock and it put me off for a while. That is until I had my first nocturnal emission. After that I thought- why waste this in a dream and forever after I was a wanker and never had another NE.

By #553294 at 16,Apr,18 16:59
I discovered masturbation & dry orgasms by accident just after my 5th birthday.

I had been getting erections for about a year, but didn't know what they were or why I got them. I was in my bedroom after a bath, and noticed that it was really hard, and felt sort of tingly. I decided to touch it. That felt really good, so I touched it some more. That felt really, really good!

I instinctively started rubbing lightly on the sweet spot below the head. Within seconds, I felt this unbelievably wonderful feeling build to such an intensity that I couldn't handle it. So I stopped rubbing. But the feelings kept getting stronger & stronger! My penis started bobbing up and down in time with these strange and extremely intense new feelings. My body started to shake & convulse uncontrollably with wave after wave of intense pleasure! I had no idea what was happening.

All of a sudden, the feelings exploded with such intensity that I screamed and nearly fell off the bed. The feelings were so intense that I nearly fainted!

I had no idea what had just happened to me, but I knew that I wanted to feel this new, unbelievably intense and wonderful feeling again right away! I was worried that it might be a one-time thing, so I started rubbing again. Within seconds, I felt the strange feelings building up.

Again, they got so intense that I could hardly stand it. But this time I kept rubbing. A few seconds later, the feelings exploded through my body. I kept on rubbing, and the feelings peaked over & over again for what seemed like a couple of minutes. Again, my body convulsed uncontrollably & I nearly fell out of bed!

These new feelings were so unbelievably intense, yet so unbelievably wonderful! I was very happy to learn that it wasn't a one-time thing, and was amazed that I could make myself feel such wonderful feelings. So I did it again...and again....and again! I gave myself 'the special feeling', as I called my orgasms back then, 10 times in a row!

I also discovered that if I kept on rubbing after the first one, I could experience as many special feelings in a row as I could handle. It often felt like one long, unbelievably intense two-minute orgasm.

I was very happy to learn that I could give myself such wonderful feelings when ever I wished, and as many times in a row as I could handle. I spent a lot of time in my bedroom after that, making the the most of my multi-orgasmic ability. I was a very happy little boy! smile

My first ejaculation happened when I was 12. I was expecting it. No pain at all, but my new "adult" orgasms were no where near as intense as my dry orgasms were!

Within a week, I lost my multi-orgasmic ability & my orgasms changed from being wildly-intense, full-body, multiple-peak, body-shakers that matched the female orgasmic response pattern to the usual single-peak male orgasmic response pattern in this graph: only registered users can see external links

I was NOT happy! Nothing I had read in any sex-ed books had mentioned anything about my orgasms changing so much (and not for the better!) once I reached puberty!
By #514663 at 16,Apr,18 22:11
I remember that too from my early days before I was ejaculating that I could have multiple orgasms in a row good times haha

By PoloFields at 30,Oct,17 22:50 other posts of PoloFields 
Had to be in my early teens. Was alone in the house, so went to stepfather's stash of Playboys. Just kept rubbing as I looked and read and boom, cum.

By DarkMax at 29,Oct,17 18:05 other posts of DarkMax 
I was 3 years old

By #543844 at 29,Oct,17 17:29
I was in the tub with a bar a soap I started to rub penis got hard kept rubbing started to feel something didn't know what and yes it was alittle painful But then I came and now I cum every day I was 15 at the time

By #536019 at 29,Oct,17 14:03
I had just turned 13, but was really naive about sex. (This was the mid-1960s.) I had returned from a month at a summer camp, where the boys in my tent showed off our morning boners a few times, but nothing further. When I got home, I eagerly accepted the invitation of three neighborhood boys to join their "sex club". We felt each other up (a first for me) and did "sword-fights" with our boners. Even some very-tentative cocksucking. There was some talk about how to make one's cock shoot sperm, but none of them did it. As soon as I got home, I went in the bathroom and tried out the technique that had been described. I grabbed my very-stiff penis a bit too tightly, but it produced a glorious wet orgasm.

By #528209 at 31,Jan,17 02:56
I discovered the joys of my penis when I was about 5. After my bath my mother would come in and check to see that I was clean and dry me off. She always used to question me about my penis, if there was any problems with it, then she would dry me off making sure it was dry. This felt good so I started to take more care in washing it. I discovered that I could push it into my body and then it would spring back out hard. I did this just before it was drying time once and my mother spent extra time checking it out because it was hard. This felt great so I always had a boner when it was drying time after that. Unfortunately this stopped within a year because I was big enough to dry myself. I did not stop creating boners though.

When I was 9 I started hanging out with two guys who were a year older. One said that they had made a “torture chamber” where they would play and invited me over. The torture chamber was a 12” wide board with a 4” hole cut into it. One of them would lie on it with his dick hanging through the hole and the other would torture him by tickling and rubbing his dick. We took turns being tortured and I was soon hooked on this.

They then showed me a “vibrator” made out of Mechano. It had an electric motor mounted on a metal plate with a gear attached to the motor. He had placed a screw with a couple of nuts on one side of the gear so that it vibrated when it ran. He then attached a metal tube about 1” in diameter to the base with tissue inside. He put his penis in it and turned it on. It was connected to a toy train transformer so you could control the speed and vibration. After he finished his friend used then it was my turn. I had no idea as to what to expect but it looked fascinating. After putting my dick in and turning it on I began to get these warm feeling all through my penis. It kept getting better and better until I shuddered then the good feeling, and the erection, disappeared. They told me I had “gone over the hill” and had to stop for a while as nothing more would happen.

I had my own Mechano set and immediately made my own vibrator but I attached a cardboard tube stuffed with tissue and it was easier on our dicks than the metal tube. We used to uses these at least once a day at his house or mine together and then I would use it alone in the evening. I was hooked an self abuse.

My family went to the cottage for the summer and I could not take my Mechano set with me. I was disappointed until the boy next door showed me how to jack off. We would do it together once or twice a week but I did it on my own two or three times a day. In the summer between grade 6 and 7 I produced my first cum. I was younger than my friends but I made sperm first. When I got back to the city I had to show my two friends but they had also started to cum too. We use to have contests to see who could shoot the furthest. I could shoot it over my head but one guy could send it 8 or 9' across the basement. In grade 9 we went to different high schools so I didn't see them as much anymore.

By Eastcostguy at 28,Jan,17 03:52 other posts of Eastcostguy 
I was 11, rubbing myself to the rhythm the twelve days of Christmas, when I felt a strange feeling in my dick , then a mess

By #64328 at 06,Dec,16 21:07
First orgasm was when I was 8 years old. I was upstairs in my bedroom changing out of my school clothes looking out the window when my older brothers friend came thought the back gate. He always came to our house after school until his parents got of work an hung out. My older **** made the football team so he came home later after pratice. Instead of coming in the house he went in the fort we had in the back yard so I was spying on him wondering what he was doing. I had a perfect view of the fort from my window. He grabs a Hustler magazine we had stashed out there, Lays down and pulls his pants down and starts stroking. I didnt know exactly what he was doing but I got a boner watching and couldnt look away. About only a minute later he came on his stomach scooped it up with his hand and flung it on the ground and pulled his pants up. Then he comes in the house. I was mesmerized. So I just asked him straight out what was that you were doing in the fort His reply was thats the best feeling in the world dont you know about that. He told me to try it, so we went to my room. We pulled down our pants and I just did what he was doing. He came again and he told me to just keep going but I keep stopping ever time the feeling got intense. I told him I was going to pee if I kept going and stopped again. After about 10 minutes of this he says let me show you and almost instantly me knees got weak, my hips started bucking and the most intense feeling.and he kept stroking for at least a couple minutes. The whole time I just kept orgasming it was so strong and lasted so long it almost hurt. I ask him many times after that to do it again. but he never did. He did tell me everybody does it but they just dont admit it. He never made it seen wrong. He told me about pubic hair,semen, penis size and told me what I had to look forward to when I was older. I was adicted to orgasms and probably had 5000 dry orgasms between the age of 8 and 13 when I finally had semen. Sorry to be so long winded but I wanted to tell the the whole story. Not just I got Jacked off by a 14 year old when I was 8. By the way it was fantastic and a great memory still

By #323075 at 14,Oct,16 04:35
I was ten! But without cum. Cumming started with 13.

By Roger_Ramjet at 14,Oct,16 03:01 other posts of Roger_Ramjet 
Around 10. My friend and I would masturbate together but didn't ejaculate. Not long after we started I was alone and started masturbating and I keep going until I ejaculated. Wasn't painful, was a bit shocking but felt really good. After that my friend and I would masturbate til we'd cum. Sometimes we'd masturbate each other to orgasm.

By #74896 at 12,Oct,16 17:30
First time I got interest for sex wit my cock I was 7-8 year.
I and a boy 2 year older had lot of fun to play with our cocks.We played doctors etc. Since he was older he show me when he wannking his cock, I I did the same but I had no cum but he had when hi was 13 (some years later).

By #475677 at 05,Sep,16 11:17
hi all , when I was 12 years old, I dressed in my mother's panties and stockings. and I masturbated in front of the was amazing

By #511422 at 05,Sep,16 09:23
I cannot recall when I started masturbating, it was certainly before 6.
Laying on my tummy, rubbing my pecker until that nice feeling occurred... Until one day, tons of that funny stuff came out... must have been about 13 when it happened... Never stopped...

By #46165 at 05,Sep,16 00:56
I dont think I knew I was ejaculating for a long time.

when I was about 13 (?) I used to lay in the shower with the water falling down on my dick and while I always knew there was a 'goal' in mind and I knew when I was done, I never knew I was cumming. Id have my eyes closed and it would wash away in the water.

I did this for years and somewhere in this time I hit puberty so I guess I started shooting cum, i just dont know when!

By #497672 at 03,Sep,16 12:29
I was about 10, coming up to 11. I was about to go to Grammar School. It was the summer holidays and I was alone at home and bored. At that time I was fed up of being embarassaed by my cock going stiff at the sight of any girl. I used to look across at the girls' cubicles to see as much as I could. My cock had gone stiff that afternoon and I noticd how nice it felt if I stroked it, so I carried on. Suddenly my knees went weak and I went dizzy. White milky ooze gused out of my cock and I noticed it smelled strongly. I went over my hands and on to the floor. I went for a piss and my cock went down. At the time I thought I would now avoid any further stiff embarassments. A week or so later I was wanking again, and again for years.

[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 20 hours

I want to add how liberating it is to be able to be free to share these experiences. I was brought up a Catholic and enjoyable though this experience was, there was also a feeling of either discomfort or guilt, as there was with wanking. Even people with less an inhibiting faith during the times of my adolescence had the same problems with being able to confide with others. Obviously, some had no problems and were able to enjoy their sexuality with others. Wat a shame we were so inhibited and sometimes guilty about what should have been an enjoyable time. It is great that on this site we can now be open and at last be able to share.

By #519017 at 30,Aug,16 22:36
I was 13. I was getting real hard erections and liked playing with my erect dick but hadn't cum. Boys at school were talking about wanking but I didn't know how to do it. Then one summer night I was laying naked on my bed playing with my dick and I got the tugging stroking action just right. I still remember thinking "hey this feels good!" Then suddenly I felt the most exquisite pleasure rising, my dick got incredibly stiff then POW! I squirted semen right up my chest. I knew straight away that I'd "wanked". Next day at school I felt a mile high!

By #514663 at 26,Jul,16 23:19
When I first started masturbating I was only 8 and wasn't producing semen yet so my orgasms were dry. My first wet orgasm where I actually ejaculated i was 11 or 12. They lasted longer and felt better, I never had a painful orgasm

By cumonme1 at 26,Jul,16 12:14 other posts of cumonme1 
I was 11 a family member gave me some instruction on masturbating

By #439814 at 04,Feb,15 16:23
Assuming your question does not specify "to completion", I was introduced to dick play by an older boy when I was 8. My parents would visit his parents often and he and I would crawl under his bed. He would rub over my crotch and I his! Twas fun!

By #64328 at 03,Feb,15 17:50
I had been masturbating several times a day for 5 years before I could ejaculate. I was a professional by the time I shot cum for the first time. I probably had 5000 dry orgasms.

By #479082 at 03,Feb,15 17:34
I did the first time at 11 with a teammate. I remeber I run to the toilet to see if I was going to piss. I loved it and never stop.
I ejaculated at 14. Late bloomer....

By #471978 at 31,Jan,15 22:13
I was 11 it felt greatorg//][/URL]

By doedeldi at 05,Jan,15 16:11 other posts of doedeldi 
About 10-11 I had wet dreams with real cum.
I first wank and ejaculate with 13 in the bathtub.

By #137556 at 11,Jun,14 10:00
I masturbated for as long i can remember, first ejaculation probably around 13yo.
By #464764 at 18,Aug,14 01:41
First masturbated with a neighbor a few yrs older than me.(I was 12). He shot a load but I was dry. Sure was good though. I thereafter jacked off as often as possible, and about a year later I ejaculated for the first time.

By thesevenpointfive at 17,Aug,14 19:00 other posts of thesevenpointfive 
I was around 9, would rub my self, felt really good, i am not sure the actual age i came, it may have been 12, i was off school ill, and would do it in the afternoon, when i did shoot i was not expecting it and had to get toilet paper to mop up

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