| Just for fun, finish this sentence. Share a story if you like about it. I will start: When I was young, I wanted to grow up and be a famous athlete. Baseball and soccer were my thing through highschool.I have also done martial arts since I was 6 and, more than anything, I wanted to be in the movies. The Karate **** was what got me attracted to martial arts. Though I am 34 and never been in a movie, I still dream about it almost daily. I never attracted any real scout for soccer or baseball, I blame that mostly on being from such a small town lol. |
I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake ID.
My name was Bryan McGee. I stayed up listening to Queen.
When I was 17...."
Wait, what were we talking about??
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When I saw the film again, some 10 years or so later, it was a different matter, I decided then that I wanted to fuck John Kerr instead!!!!
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* * * * S E V E N T E E N, so we're censoring numbers now are we? This politically correct crap is FUCKING PATHETIC