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Can You Rate My Pussy Honestly?

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Started by #291694 at 24,Feb,14 02:41
Just wondering what guys honestly think of the looks of my pussy. Please rate it from 1-10. Remember please be honest
[deleted image]

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New Comment

By #428059 at 10,Mar,14 09:50
👍 I'd rate it perfect but I'll have to give er' the ole taste test to be sure

By #291618 at 09,Mar,14 03:21
I would give you a 9 it looks great but I need to know how it feels

By boombastic at 09,Mar,14 00:52 other posts of boombastic 
9.5 About as good as it gets babe.... I think you know that - clean, neat and very inviting. Makes me hard as rock

By baller1 at 09,Mar,14 00:46 other posts of baller1 
You have a very nice pussy. . Nicely shaved and clean looKing. .. looks tight and also looks like it would taste good as well..... 8.5 to 9

By Texas979 at 06,Mar,14 05:08 other posts of Texas979 
I think you have a very nice pussy, at least a 9... Any comments on my Vick would be appreciated. And as you said please be honest

By fancyabit at 06,Mar,14 04:53 other posts of fancyabit 
You have a very sexy pussy. I rate it 10-10, and would lick, finger and fuck it all night long.

By t-rex at 06,Mar,14 02:49 other posts of t-rex 
9.9, until I can taste it

By #28110 at 04,Mar,14 18:27

By #425495 at 03,Mar,14 16:41
I'd give you 10 .... or more ...mmmmmm lovely and smooth.... what do you think of mine plse

By #450957 at 03,Mar,14 10:16
9.9- I'd rate it higher if my dickhead could penetrate your tight hole. I really love it shaved and pierced. Also, your entire body is quite hot and making me very hard!

By #30090 at 02,Mar,14 20:18
honestly...i would have 2 say 8.5 its very cute, and i love a nicely shaved pussy what would u rate mine at?
By #291694 at 03,Mar,14 02:48
Thanks wabbitz you have a nice penis.
By #30090 at 03,Mar,14 08:06
U r very welcome and thanks

By #289712 at 02,Mar,14 11:54
If im being conservative, its still an 8+ I got pretty rock solid hard seeing this pic.
--------------------------------------- added after 4 minutes

The only improvement you could make in order to scoop up the two remaining bonus points would be the addition of my penis. Your man must wake up smiling every day!

By #64328 at 02,Mar,14 07:02
Its beautiful....looks like a lot of fun

By #452937 at 02,Mar,14 01:00
8 It's a very nice pussy. Looks like a lot of fun.

By #417547 at 01,Mar,14 22:31
9.5 the only way to improve it is to bring it to me
I would like a little patch of hair left at the top
But extremely nice
Thank you for showing

By #445510 at 01,Mar,14 19:34
8...9.... anyway very sexy

By cazzoduro69 at 01,Mar,14 18:47 other posts of cazzoduro69 

By #135959 at 28,Feb,14 06:25
10 its beautiful

By #446733 at 27,Feb,14 21:40
Your pussy is a 10 and id like to feel my dick inside

[deleted image]

By #61033 at 26,Feb,14 19:30
Definitely a 10!

By mike81 at 26,Feb,14 16:52 other posts of mike81 
9/10 like it

By youngjpcock at 26,Feb,14 12:10 other posts of youngjpcock 
Of course 10/10!
Look what I just did...

By #291694 at 26,Feb,14 02:19
I just don't think its that nice. I would honestly rate my own at an 8 compared to girls my age.
By *kmadeau* at 26,Feb,14 07:10 other posts of *kmadeau* 
you'r right!

By #400852 at 26,Feb,14 10:44
it's very nice,I want to eat it,10

By #323075 at 26,Feb,14 07:05

By NOWHEREMAN at 25,Feb,14 04:25 other posts of NOWHEREMAN 
Not to shabby! Way above most I have seen here!

By #136427 at 24,Feb,14 21:48
Id eat it

By #1047 at 24,Feb,14 18:38
looks fantastic to me!!!

By #400852 at 24,Feb,14 10:27
beautiful pussy,I give it a 10,wish I was licking it for you

By stl06 at 24,Feb,14 08:03 other posts of stl06 
I know we have discussed this before but I think it looks great 10 for me

By sailor at 24,Feb,14 06:35 other posts of sailor 
10 all the way babe

By BCofR at 24,Feb,14 06:33 other posts of BCofR 
Looks good from every angle

By #225670 at 24,Feb,14 02:47

By #316057 at 24,Feb,14 02:44
Better then a10

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