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Started by #8729 at 03,Mar,09 06:51
How many of you sex mad guys love your asses as much as you do your dicks and do you get as big a thrill showing off your buttocks as showing off your dicks and balls? And how many of you like seeing men's asses just as much as you do the front view> Male bottoms are just SO sexy, be nice to know that I'm not the only one who thinks so.
I wouldn't say I love my ass anymore or less than my dick and I certainly don't like showing it off. But I sure love the pleasure I feel when my ass gets fucked. If I had to choose between being the top or the bottom, I would choose to be the bottom.
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I must "confess": I was 46 on the pic, I'm now 63...
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I love showing mine, bare, in a suit or in tight briefs/shorts. Check out my gallery for lots more pics
I love showing my butt and I love seeing others.
I love to show my ass .. any comments?
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Love my ass