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Any advice about taking my first cock?!?!?! PLEASE!

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Started by #446362 at 02,Mar,14 05:10
I really want to have anal for the first time. But I am worried it will hurt badly. Please any advice, the guy I'm interested in says his dick has a 5 inch girth.

Similar topics: 1.cock piercing advice!   2.Advice   3.As I look 4 my first cock 2 suk. Tell me about your 1st time suk. Any advice   4.Best sex advice!   5.First anal - do I need to prepare for taking my 1st cock?  

New Comment

By #303133 at 12,Jun,14 17:45
You should not take a cock.
That is very rude.
It is always best to ask permission and then borrow a cock.
By #430256 at 13,Jun,14 09:01
By *kmadeau* at 13,Jun,14 11:11 other posts of *kmadeau* 

By #281008 at 13,Jun,14 07:56
just get down on hands and knees and let him give u everything he has

By #449110 at 07,Mar,14 05:13
I have never taken a cock up my ass because I'm straight. However, I have fucked a girl in the ass, so I know how to avoid hurting someone and getting hurt yourself. What you want to do is begin by having lots of foreplay and arousing one another. Also make sure that your anus is washed out VERY WELL. Also, you might want to buy an anal douche to clean out even more thoroughly.

Next, make sure you have a GREAT lubricant to get the job done. I would recommend "Astroglide". The best lubricant for anal and any other method of sex is without doubt Astroglide. Unlike KY it does not dry out and become sticky and gritty.It has great lubrication prpoperties which gives soothing long lasting lubrication.

Then, take A LOT of Astroglide and put it on your partner's finger. Have him just insert one lubed up finger in your ass at first to loosen up your asshole. Do this for about a minute or two. Now have your partner lube up two fingers and insert them in your ass simultaneously. Go slower this time though, because this will be a lot to take for some. At this point, have your partner put on a rubber and put lube all over his dick with the condom on it. I mean, really coat it good with lube.

Now you insert your partner's dick in your ass but go VERY slowly. Also, have your partner be VERY careful when inserting the head because the head is the hardest part to take in. At this point, just have your partner thrust very slowly in your ass for about a minute or two. Now your partner can gradually pick up the pace, more and more.

Also, make sure that you communicate with your partner before he thrusts inside of you and make sure and tell him if it is hurting you. You have to do this right the first time or you will never want to do it again. Anal sex can be one of the most pleasurable things in the world or it can be extremely painful. Follow my directions and things will go smoothly.
By Gary5 at 12,Jun,14 18:28 other posts of Gary5 
Thanks for sharing that - was interesting for me too

By #447569 at 07,Mar,14 04:54
Good lube and a patient partner. Relax.......

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