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How does it taste

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Started by #453528 at 10,Mar,14 19:03
I have always wanted but never had the chance to suck a cock and i have always wondered how does it taste.. How exactly can you describe it?

Similar topics: 1.Anyone Taste their precum?   2.Who likes the aroma and taste of a big uncut cock?   3.Tasting my own cock?   4.The Taste of Cum   5.The taste of skin  

New Comment

By #453528 at 11,Mar,14 17:10
So.. still how can you describe teh taste OF A COCK with 1 word
By #454258 at 14,Mar,14 03:54

By #340774 at 11,Mar,14 20:55
Depending on whose it is.

By #451552 at 10,Mar,14 19:35
It tastes like chicken.
By #186672 at 11,Mar,14 19:19

By JeffinKS at 11,Mar,14 13:36 other posts of JeffinKS 
suck on your thumb.... now imagine it's a throbbing cock.... BINGO there you have it!

By #449110 at 10,Mar,14 19:39
I've tasted my own cum before. It smells like Clorox Bleach and kind of tastes like putting snot in your mouth.
By #67735 at 10,Mar,14 23:30
omg it's so funny you mentioned bleach, that's what mine smells like
By #449110 at 11,Mar,14 00:45
I think it's what cum smells like in general.
By slipper at 11,Mar,14 05:33 other posts of slipper 
Sure, didn't EVERYONE put bleach and cornstarch mixed up, in a condom to freak the girls when in school?

By pifad at 11,Mar,14 02:24 other posts of pifad 
My cum tastes sweet. However I think the guy asked how a dick tastes. Depends on the dick, some are sweaty and some are not.

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