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The Taste of Cum

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Started by #535695 at 20,Jun,17 00:28
I sucked my first cock just over a month ago and now I have sucked 10 cocks, some of them multiple times. I love making them cum in my mouth. At first I swallowed as I sucked but not I let the cum build up in my mouth to I can taste it all. Honestly I am happy to take loads in my mouth. I find the taste to be fine. I don't see what all the fuss is about and why anyone would spit?

Similar topics: 1.Anyone Taste their precum?   2.Who likes the aroma and taste of a big uncut cock?   3.How does it taste   4.Tasting my own cock?   5.The taste of skin  

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By #725380 at 17,Nov,24 20:33
Women spit cum out. Guys always swallow. I always swallow. ALWAYS!

By onthelose at 20,Jul,22 21:43 other posts of onthelose 
I have always swallowed cum. I don’t think it’s bad tasting. Does have an interesting taste. Cumming on someone’s face is an insult to me and really disrespectful.

By generousfellow at 20,Jul,22 19:08 other posts of generousfellow 
I have only disliked it once and honestly I swallowed it anyway.

By #625826 at 13,Nov,21 22:06
Sometimes i cum in the palm of my hand , so i can swallow and Enjoy

By Odin_york_pa at 09,Nov,21 00:21 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
The taste isn't too bad, but for me it's the temperature. I don't like warm liquids like coffee, hot chocolate ect ect.Anyhting I drink has to be cold, very cold
By german_guy at 13,Nov,21 20:30 other posts of german_guy 
put it in the fridge before u enjoy it

By nekekal at 12,Nov,21 19:06 other posts of nekekal 
I have only tried mine, and the taste was not bad, but the texture was pretty bad.

By abagurio at 08,Nov,21 12:10 other posts of abagurio 
It's not the taste, it's the texture.

By #652988 at 08,Nov,21 11:42
I hav tasted mine and I like it

By cocklvr at 26,Oct,21 17:08 other posts of cocklvr 
Exactly! Why would anyone spit or get upset over a load of cum in your mouth??? It tastes great, and I love the warm sticky texture in my mouth!

By #570598 at 03,Jan,20 19:22
Depending on ones diet..cum can be sweet or bitter... it's all cum. Just cooked differnt

By #607273 at 01,Jan,20 14:48
drink pineapple juice , it gives cum a sweet flavor and its good for you a win win
By #583549 at 01,Jan,20 14:57
So true! If you eat healthy your cum will be better tasting!
By #607273 at 01,Jan,20 15:01
same as eating pussy, the diet dictates the taste

By #462085 at 01,Jan,20 05:30
I like the taste of my cum, but I never tried someone else's cum
By #583549 at 01,Jan,20 14:34
I enjoy my pre cum and regular cum as it tastes really good!

By LGA6969 at 01,Jan,20 04:22 other posts of LGA6969 
Huge cum lover love the sticky messy gooey mess

By cumcouplessa at 06,Nov,19 17:19 other posts of cumcouplessa 
Hubby here. I always make my point CLEAR. If you're not prepared to cum in my mouth, rather move on and dont expect me to suck your cock. Not that I dont enjoy sucking, but fuck it! I want my reward, and honestly speaking, its your cum I want. Since my first taste many years ago, I'm hooked

By #603877 at 06,Nov,19 11:01
Before taking other guy's cum in my mouth I swallowed mine at least ten times.I got used to the taste.But sometimes when a guy used alcohol and smoked a lot and I suck him off.I taste his cum very gross so I have to spit out.

By #601484 at 29,Oct,19 12:09
Yes swallow every last drop, so tasty and feels good inside me

By #603065 at 29,Oct,19 09:52
When I first tasted my own cum it was gross.But after few more tries I started enjoy taste of my cum.Novadays I almost never spit
By #583549 at 29,Oct,19 11:53
Alter your diet and your cum will taste a lot better!I stay away from junk food and suger laden foods and drinks and the taste of my cum went from bitter to very creamy and sweet tasting!

By #583549 at 23,Aug,19 21:13
I love the taste of my cum!!!!

By bikev at 23,Aug,19 07:23 other posts of bikev 
Never ever spit. I love the different tastes of cum and eat it all.

By #581646 at 21,Aug,19 19:26
i never shoot a load i dont eat

By Bottimmy at 20,Aug,19 02:14 other posts of Bottimmy 
I think that letting a guy cum in my mouth is my way of saying thank you.I love the taste and I swallow.

By #555896 at 18,Aug,19 13:55
always swallow ,never spit

By #583549 at 18,Aug,19 10:55
Your diet has a lot too do with the taste of your cum.Since I need to watch my blood sugar levels and I watch what I eat,my cum has a sweet slightly salty taste!I really like it's flavor now!

By cumonme1 at 12,Aug,19 11:41 other posts of cumonme1 
If you are going to suck cock, then you should swallow the reward he gives you for doing a good job
By #472252 at 12,Aug,19 12:08
I agree why suck it if you don't get the reward
--------------------------------------- added after 3528 hours

By cumonme1 at 12,Aug,19 16:31 other posts of cumonme1 

By #593147 at 12,Aug,19 12:15
Cum is so delicious, felling warm cumchoot in my mouth and throat is incredibly good. I would never spit it out.

By #275407 at 12,Aug,19 10:16
Wow, never had cum in my mouth, mine or anybody else's.

By #536913 at 12,Aug,19 06:07
I've heard the taste changes based on your diet. Supposedly meat makes the worst cum. I eat a lot of meat and my cum is pretty bitter, so maybe it's true?

By #590925 at 12,Aug,19 03:55
First I started tasting my own cum.Swallowed my loads and enjoyed the taste.Then I got curious about other guys cum taste.I sucked my first guy and let him fill my mouth with his cum.I enjoyed feeling his warm cum inside my mouth.I swallowed his load and wasn't gross at all.Then I sucked few more and swallowed their loads.Wasn't bad at all.I enjoy spitting sometimes on man's hard dick and lick it afterwards

By #576878 at 14,Jan,19 02:43
When I swallowed my first own load I wasn't grossed out at all. After that I would ejaculate in a shotglass and drink my warm cum or shoot straight in my mouth.Everytime I enjoy the taste of my cum.I am looking forward to know and taste other guy's sperm, when the time comes.

By #532695 at 11,Jan,19 03:17
I've tasted myself and two other guys. We all tasted awful. I'd take his load as part of the deal, but I either swallow it right away or spit. The flavor is too harsh and sharp for me.

By #571440 at 11,Jan,19 02:59
hoping you will taste mine soon

By #451452 at 11,Jan,19 01:31
Savor, then swallow and enjoy. Good to the last drip. Juicy pussy is also good to eat and enjoy the nectar that flows.

By foreskinlover52 at 10,Jan,19 23:41 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I always swallow since age 13 and would never spit! I love the taste of a mans sperm, precum and even cock cheese! I eat my own cum all the time..

By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 04:24
I enjoyed swallowing my loads before my first bj.After my first bj the guy came in my mouth and I swallowed his salty tasting cum.I was excited.Then I swallowed few more of his load and they tasted better.Now I never spit as I know guy likes seeing how I swallow his seed
By #532415 at 18,Nov,18 17:17
I started swallowing when I was 13. To this day I have always swallowed. I love the taste, etc...
By #572188 at 18,Nov,18 18:09
Wwow you swallowed a lot of cum.I wonder what taste you was usuallly getting?
By #535695 at 23,Nov,18 23:01
It usually tastes pretty good actually, One guy's nut was a little bitter but he was a heavy smoker.

By #535695 at 10,Jan,19 22:23
Oh yeah, they love a swallower and I love to swallow

By knewbi at 10,Sep,18 16:38 other posts of knewbi 
i do the same. even show it to the guy. then sa
wallow while he is looking at me. i find it tastes different in some men. never tasted a load i didn't like.

By #566722 at 09,Sep,18 00:33
I totally agree with you.Cum tastes pretty good for me and I never spit.Maybe some guys have different diet and different tasting cum, but I never sucked anyone ,whose cum would be gross.All of them were pretty tasty and enjoyable.

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