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Anyone Taste their precum?

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Started by #98882 at 25,Aug,10 23:12
All sorts of members discus the taste of cum but no one has talked about the taste of precum. I know what mine tastes like but wonder how other's taste to them.

Similar topics: 1.precum   2.precum   3.wat is precum   4.Precum   5.Tell me about taste of your (or your partner) precum and cum. Which is better?  

New Comment

By #583549 at 30,Aug,19 01:08
It's the nector of the gods!!!!!

By #591016 at 30,Aug,19 00:34
oh ya i love pre cum i pre cum alot

By #583549 at 23,Aug,19 21:11
When I ride my 2"x 10" anal dildo I get a lot of precum!I love licking the precum off my fingers until their clean!

By #597900 at 23,Aug,19 16:21
I love mine. I eat it every chance I get.

By cumonme1 at 23,Aug,19 10:55 other posts of cumonme1 
Yes all the time

By kockslinger at 23,Aug,19 08:18 other posts of kockslinger 
Sweet no matter what I eat

By bikev at 23,Aug,19 07:32 other posts of bikev 
Love eating my pre cum and cum. Why would I waste it.

By #583549 at 20,Aug,19 05:45
My pre cum has a really sweet taste.I lick it all off of my fingers!

By #584942 at 10,Apr,19 20:25
Yup, and you can see me doing it in some of my pics.

By #583169 at 08,Apr,19 03:12
Last week I started tasting my cum. then last night I swallowed all of it! As good as my friends but not as exiting when I feel him cumming

By #584671 at 08,Apr,19 03:05
IT IS delicious

By #583155 at 06,Apr,19 23:10
yes who hasnt

By #568188 at 06,Apr,19 19:17
I love my own precum it has.a good taste wish I could produce more

By shaver000 at 01,Apr,19 07:59 other posts of shaver000 
Yes I do sometimes, but it doesn't taste of anything.

By #583549 at 01,Apr,19 01:06
I lick up my precum.Always tasty

By #583980 at 01,Apr,19 00:50
Of course. Precum has a good taste.

By #532695 at 12,Feb,19 02:36
I think I've precummed twice in my life, and there wasn't much there. I tasted it, didn't taste like anything, but maybe because there wasn't enough to taste. I've had four suck buddies, only one of them had any precum, it didn't taste like much to me either.

I wonder, do men with shorter dicks precum more? Like, a shorter passage and more gets out?

By #576455 at 11,Feb,19 23:46
I leak a bunch and taste it always. Great lube for edging and have enough for eating too! Love it.

By #579062 at 11,Feb,19 17:56
Who hasn't???
By HotFuckerBoy at 11,Feb,19 23:43 other posts of HotFuckerBoy 

By #64328 at 11,Feb,19 05:45
I only get a drop or two but I've tasted it many times. Just never been much of a precummer

By shavedpubis at 11,Feb,19 02:23 other posts of shavedpubis 

By #579310 at 09,Feb,19 23:03
I never leak any precum. I would like to taste some for sure.

By #568188 at 25,Dec,18 05:07
I do all the time. I try collecting in a cup and edge as much as I can but only get a small amountm I love the taste.

By #573659 at 24,Dec,18 16:15
I love it, I always taste it when I edge

By averageatbest23 at 24,Dec,18 01:19 other posts of averageatbest23 
I have tasted mine and my wife has also and neither one of us can taste anything! (Maybe a good thing)

By #572434 at 17,Dec,18 14:13
I always have a lick of my precum it is sweet and I love the texture. I don't really like the smell of cum though so I haven't tried it
By #574873 at 24,Dec,18 01:11
I keep seeing people say this, but I have literally never noticed a cum "smell"

By yellowman at 16,Dec,18 11:05 other posts of yellowman 
Yes, I taste mine all of the time too. I love it, it is sweet..

By jizzbits at 15,Dec,18 21:15 other posts of jizzbits 
I taste mine all the time, although my precum looks more like runny cum not clear. Do any of you notice this? Some times it tastes like heavy spit and other times it tastes like my regular cum.

By wycowboy at 15,Dec,18 20:51 other posts of wycowboy 
I taste mine all the time. The taste varies depending on what I have been eating lately.

By #532415 at 14,Dec,18 22:01
They are all different...

By #569242 at 14,Dec,18 21:59
I love the taste of my precum. Do a lot of tasting it when on SYD. Think it tastes better than my cum, but I still enjoy eating my cum, too.

By #552168 at 20,Jul,18 05:49
I started to do it like 1 year ago! I love it

By #562567 at 20,Jul,18 04:54
[deleted image]
All the time.It is so sweet and warm,how could you resist that

By #121361 at 17,Jul,18 10:37
Sweet Taste [deleted image]

By #561720 at 16,Jul,18 19:11
I lick it all up every time. It always tastes yummy!

By #558745 at 16,Jul,18 14:54

By #516354 at 15,Jul,18 06:36
Love the taste of pre cum

By cumaddik at 14,Jul,18 18:53 other posts of cumaddik 
Love tasting my own precum...and i do it every time i have a chance! Love my own cum too!!

By t-rex at 14,Jul,18 05:42 other posts of t-rex 
Precum is delicious 😋

By #124456 at 14,Jul,18 05:41
Yes I do. I always wanna eat my cum but whenever I actually cum I loose the erge

By knewbi at 13,Jul,18 17:11 other posts of knewbi 
All the time'''

By arabmejo at 11,Jul,18 17:43 other posts of arabmejo 
Yes some times


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By #547309 at 15,Jan,18 05:59
yea I like my precum it is sweet and the cum is the best salty in a fine way..

By #543717 at 15,Jan,18 05:20
I do. Mine is a little salty.

[deleted image]

By hypoboy at 14,Jan,18 19:20 other posts of hypoboy 
aaaalways, i love my precum - it's so wonderful sweet hehe...

By ScottsCock at 10,Jan,18 16:06 other posts of ScottsCock 
Yes ... love it's sweet taste

By #540611 at 10,Jan,18 12:40
Love it

By #547714 at 10,Jan,18 11:43
I love every drop I can get it tastes so sweet

By stroker11 at 07,Jan,18 21:51 other posts of stroker11 
I never waste a drop. Of anything...

By leopoldij at 07,Jan,18 21:12 other posts of leopoldij 
Cum, precum, pussy juice, all good...

By foreskinlover52 at 07,Jan,18 20:30 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I love the taste of precum! It is so sweet! I taste mine all the time!

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