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Do you like trannys?

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Started by #394414 at 15,Apr,14 22:21
How much do you like trannys? Have you ever been with one? Do you have fantasies about trannys? Tell about your best tranny experiences

Similar topics: 1.What kind of porn do you look at?   2.trannys post pics   3.Trannys ... Is it gay or not ?   4.Cross dressing, femboys, sissy's , shemale and trannys... Why do straight men always want a piece of ass?  

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By #583549 at 12,Jun,19 21:29
Yes! I want a sexy tranny to make love to all night long! :x

By Ablaze at 12,Jun,19 10:06 other posts of Ablaze 
Very much. Haven't a chance to be with one.
By #587044 at 12,Jun,19 17:11
me, too. want one soooo bd!

By knewbi at 10,Jun,19 16:00 other posts of knewbi 
Never been with one but sure would love to try... I wank to them all the time over on Chaturbate though. since I love women and sucking cock it would be a perfect fit.

By #571187 at 09,Jun,19 15:24
I totally support them I could hang out, be friends, work with them etc. but as for anything sexual happening I’d have to say no.

By #532851 at 09,Jun,19 12:36
If they shift correctly.
By #535695 at 09,Jun,19 14:03

By #590925 at 09,Jun,19 08:54
I like trannys with pretty faces with nice boobs and dicks.I never been with one, but fantazising a lot watching tranny porn.

By #551147 at 09,Jun,19 07:55
Not Ford's! Just ask any previous Explorer owner.

By #516354 at 09,Jun,19 07:01
Have had a fantasy about having a tranny for a Mistress for a long time!!

By #585568 at 08,Jun,19 22:53
Absolutely if it's a 5 or 6 speed manual with straight cut gears,a close ratio gear set and a dog leg first.

If not then I'll give one of those T-girls a go instead.I've never had the pleasure of meeting a tranny but the pleasure would be all mine I'm sure 😊
By #478298 at 08,Jun,19 23:31
I have my first 6-speed tranny and it's a smooth ride on the highway

By #61033 at 08,Jun,19 19:12
My fantasy came true and I enjoyed every minute...
[deleted image]

By #275407 at 08,Jun,19 03:38
My tranny makes a humming noise, I guess it's time for a new tranny
By #583549 at 08,Jun,19 10:34
A tranny humming in your car is bad! A tranny humming while having sex with you is good!

By #583549 at 08,Jun,19 01:15
I would love too be with a beautiful tranny and spend the night making love to each other!

By #590575 at 08,Jun,19 01:08
I want a tranny to break my ass cherry for me or any guy who'll do it right with very little pain.

By 78chevy at 28,Apr,14 02:29 other posts of 78chevy 
I use to get my dick sucked by a tranny i loved.

By #248658 at 19,Apr,14 23:59
I would love to find a tranny who is real, doesn't mind being with a bi mwm, I would love to go down on each other, then do some flip fucking. Being with a tranny is one of my ultimate fantasies yet to be fulfilled! I would love time with you naked :-)

By #211891 at 19,Apr,14 10:48
My fantasy is to be with a HOT, hot tranny in a glass elevator on the outside of a tall, tall building going to a top floor restaurant. Having been teased by the sight of a cock head poking out from a very short skirt I kneel and suck, suck, suck the entire ride to the top. As the car reaches the top, the doors open and people are watching us. As my partner moans and cums I swallow, swallow, swallow as the onlookers applaud. Word gets around and tranny after tranny stops by our table to offer their cocks for us to enjoy. I ♥ tranny cocks!

By #181785 at 18,Apr,14 02:34
I've never been with one. But just the thought of tits in your hand and a cock in your mouth, and they're both on the same person. Plus you have the opt of anal. Then there's the titties bouncing in your face with her cock in your ass. Makes me hard as a rock.

By #454258 at 16,Apr,14 03:36
depends on looks accually. do they look like a guy with boobs, or a hot girl with a dick. its all in the face

By #62682 at 16,Apr,14 02:39
Accidently got into bed with one, didn,t know til I got my hand down there, didn,t put me off at all though. Performed oral on each other, found it mind blowing experience, would do so again anytime.

By leopoldij at 16,Apr,14 00:11 other posts of leopoldij 
never been with any, but you could be the first! :-)

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