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Cat Crap Deterrent

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Started by #415959 at 01,May,14 22:15
So yeah...each and every day when I come home from a most exhausting day at work, the same thing happens.

The same thing.

The very SAME thing.

Every day.

A walk on the sidewalk up to my house should be routine, mundane and otherwise uneventful.

This exercise immediately becomes 'eventful' when I unknowingly step into a precious offering of one of the 72 feline devil worshippers of SATAN who live next door.

I am asking for help, my SYD friends.

What sort of deterrent can I safely deploy that doesn't require me to be heavily armed and donned a flap jacket?

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New Comment

By WristThick at 06,May,14 23:00 other posts of WristThick 
Antifreeze and pellet guns?!? Some sick fucks on here

By #454258 at 02,May,14 04:31
three words, buy a car.
By #415959 at 02,May,14 09:34
And what??? Drive it on my sidewalk?
By #454258 at 03,May,14 06:51
No drive it on the street, completely bypassing the cat sidewalk

By Emerald at 02,May,14 22:40 other posts of Emerald 
Well, yes. I do come to this site to read about pussy. This one was more entertaining than I expected, though. Hehe!

I think what you need to do is mark your territory, so the felines know to stay away. Have you tried to do a cirquit of your property, urinating judiciously at strategic locations? I'm sure that would do the trick...

By #136427 at 02,May,14 12:37
Pellet gun

By botanic at 02,May,14 08:49 other posts of botanic 
it is very unusual for cats to crap on hard surfaces such as driveways .

By **FlyingCum** at 02,May,14 01:22 other posts of **FlyingCum** 
This may not help with your problem much, but if you look up on YouTube a video called how to stop a cat peeing on your car, you might get a bit if a laugh and see how bored people solve this problem.

By Ray10754 at 02,May,14 00:17 other posts of Ray10754 
ok bud I did a google serch! and the results are as follows!

Citris, grapefruit,lemon,lime juices are all suposed to be dreaded by cats and the most pleasant to humans. Now to be a little more agressive,Fox urin is available at hard wear stores and sporting shops and literly H A T E D by cats,Not to sure what it will do to your sence of smell though,and the last trick is good old fassion BLACK PEPPER, Do a google serch
(How to get rid of unwanted cats) I found 6 pages of suggestions.

Good luck I know how you feel!! I had two last year that would not get the hint that they were not welcome untill they got a few plastic be be's in the ass, havnt seen them since!!

By soundsgreat87 at 01,May,14 23:57 other posts of soundsgreat87 
Call the ASPCA because nobody should have that many ****?

a n i m a l s jesus

By Sickboy at 01,May,14 23:14 other posts of Sickboy 
Contact your local Chinese takeaway!!......sorted!!
By #444014 at 01,May,14 23:16
Don't ask for Chinese meatballs...
By #358797 at 01,May,14 23:17
Sweet and sour pussy.

By #358797 at 01,May,14 22:34
Sprinkle some dried mustard, coffee grounds, cayenne pepper or dried rosemary to keep cats out of outdoor places. Works as a cat repellent. Some cats dislike certain smells more than others, so if one doesn't work you could try a different one, or a combination of a few. Or you could plant some catnip somewhere nearby to attract them elsewhere.
--------------------------------------- added after 10 minutes

Another method my mother used was to steep some incredibly strong rosemary tea and spray the sidewalks, she had to respray every few days, but she said it worked. Before that she just sat out and sprayed the cats with vinegar to chase them off. Lol.
By #415959 at 01,May,14 22:49
Plant catnip?

If you were close to me in this crisis, you would clearly recognize that catnip is, the worst advice ever.
By #358797 at 01,May,14 22:53
Plant it away from your house, silly. It'll draw them away.

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