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QUESTION on "Place Yourself On Top Here"

This is an Adult Discussion Forum of Show It Off Site
If you wish to participate you should register on that site and write there

Started by leopoldij at 01,Jun,14 18:48  other posts of leopoldij
When I click on Place Yourself On Top Here I am given no option to select the picture I want to be shown. Instead, the system selects ALWAYS the same picture, namely, /hhaokx48ugstpic.html
This is not the picture with the largest number of views, it is not the picture with the largest number of comments, it isn't even the best quality picture (quite blurry in fact). Admittedly, it's close to the top, but not the top.

So, my first question is:
(1) How is the picture selected?

My second question is:
(2) Why am I not allowed to select a picture myself?

Admin, can you please respond?

Similar topics: 1.Fishing for Compliments on the Forum   2.Women and Camsex   3.Precum; I dont get it.   4.Retarded ass questions that you know are retarded but still want to ask anyway. many remember this place when it was fun? and a place you looked forward to visiting  

New Comment

By _avg_ at 01,Jun,14 20:35 other posts of _avg_ 
Admin can correct me if need be, but if you have a certain picture you want in the banner go to that picture and 'place on top'

By leopoldij at 02,Jun,14 04:48 other posts of leopoldij 
Thanks. I'll check.

Adult Discussion Forum