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Ever Think of WHY you like to look at / suck cock

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Started by #458194 at 11,Jun,14 15:43
I live a straight life, yet, I have an irresistible urge to look at cock / play with cock / suck cock. Disturbing’casue I love titties & pussy too.

Similar topics: 1.Would U suck my Cock for $20   2.How do you ask a guy if you can suck his cock?   3.Cocks I would Suck... Craving a Cock in my Mouth!   4.Sucking cock   5.I Want to Suck Cock!  

New Comment

By #444014 at 11,Jun,14 15:59
You like to play with both sexes...
That is not disturbing to me.
What is disturbing is that seem bothered by your sexuality.
That might be down to the environment you were raised in,or what you have been told is wrong.
Embrace your thoughts and live your life.

You live a 'straight' life but you want to play with cock.
How do you live a straight life btw ?

There are over 400 types of an1mals that have same sex relations.
There is only one species that seems to get hung up on it.
By #458194 at 11,Jun,14 16:08
Let's rephrase, primarily straight. I am just curious if anyone ever wandered why
By spermkiss at 11,Jun,14 20:43 other posts of spermkiss 
OK let's take these things one at a time.

You like to look at other men's cocks. That's totally normal. ALL MEN, straight, bisexual and gay like to look at other men's cocks. Looking at cocks is a guy thing, not a gay thing. All men like doing it.

You like to play with other men's cocks. Again normal. Since all guys like to look at cocks, many are comfortable kicking it up a notch by touching, fondling, playing with, stroking, even stroking to climax another man's cock.

You want to suck cocks. Still normal. Some men take it further still and suck cocks. There are a lot of men who identify as straight and who live as straight who never-the-less like to suck other men's cocks. I call these men straight cocksuckers and this is far more commonplace than you probably realize. It is so ordinary that it is still within the bounds of what is normal. So how many straight cocksuckers are there? Undoubtedly millions worldwide.

So just relax and enjoy your life. If your primary sexual orientation is heterosexual, but from time to time you want to go out and suck another man off, do it, enjoy it and don't be disturbed about it. You're OK.
By Gary5 at 11,Jun,14 20:53 other posts of Gary5 
Well put and well argued - certainly works for me.
By spermkiss at 12,Jun,14 03:40 other posts of spermkiss 
I see on your page that you self-identify as straight but you're interested in both men and women. I'm guessing from this and from your comment that you're a straight cocksucker, too. So, am I right?
By Gary5 at 12,Jun,14 03:54 other posts of Gary5 
Something like that, if such a thing exists - except that I've only actually done it once - but I do imagine it a lot.
By spermkiss at 12,Jun,14 15:08 other posts of spermkiss 
Oh, yes, straight cocksuckers certainly do exist. In my personal life I've known several. These are men who identify as straight, who live as straight, often having a wife or girlfriend, and for all intents and purposes ARE straight. But they like to suck cocks. Often they do not expect any reciprocation, since they identify as straight they get their own orgasmic release with their wife or girlfriend. When they are with a man, all they want to do is suck him off. One guy I was with was an extreme example in that he wouldn't let me get anywhere near his cock. He kept his clothes on the entire time and wouldn't even let me feel his crotch. But he sure did give good head. He took me all the way to climax and he swallowed.

Since joining this site I've kinda become the "go to" guy for advice for straight men who want to suck cocks. I've lost track of the number of men who have turned to me for advice on this.

Now get out there and suck some more cocks. You've only done it once but you think about it a lot. Do it. Real men suck cocks.
By Gary5 at 12,Jun,14 18:20 other posts of Gary5 
Thanks for your advice. First of all, well appreciated, and all good points. I'm probably slightly different, because I wouldn't have a problem with a guy sucking my cock. I've also only had the experience once, which was recently, and it was amazing, because the guy knew what to do - I had to make him stop because it was so pleasurable I was going to cum so soon.

But good point about getting out there and sucking more cocks - and thanks again.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes

By the way, re your comment to shorttop below, that's absolutely right about seeing a guy cum and knowing it's the real thing. The guy I sucked came, but I couldn't see it as he came between my legs. It's one thing I want to see, a guy a) in the pleasure of orgasm, b) ejaculating and c) shooting onto my body and feeling the warmth - that's not bad, right?
By #445126 at 13,Jun,14 11:43
It's hard not to be honest about your attraction to people when you have a cock. You best be comfortable about what you are attracted to, because it's not going to be a ****! Go ahead and suck more cocks ..... nothing wrong with it ... and there are tops out there that need men who want to suck!
By Gary5 at 13,Jun,14 15:37 other posts of Gary5 
Thanks for your comment and advice, you are absolutely right re being comfortable with what you are attracted to. And yes, will do - big thing is they are all different, too!

By spermkiss at 13,Jun,14 15:40 other posts of spermkiss 
You're welcome and I'm glad you think my advice is useful.

Now to address your questions:

No, you are not slightly different since you like reciprocation. Straight cocksuckers are all over the spectrum. The guy I mentioned who wouldn't even let me feel his cock thru his pants was kind of an extreme case. Others don't especially want reciprocation but are willing to accept it. Others like and enjoy it. Others really want it.

"...it was amazing, because the guy knew what to do..." I cannot say from personal experience since my own experience with women is limited, but more than once I have read comments by men with expensive experience with both sexes that men are better cocksuckers. Stands to reason. If the cocksucker is a man, he has a cock himself so he knows what feels good.

Finally, your question about whether wanting to see the ejaculation and feel the warm sperm on your body is bad. Of course it's not bad. Nothing about sex is bad. NOTHING. If that's what you want, do it. My own favorite place for a man to ejaculate is in my mouth, but on my face is a reasonable second. Someplace else on my body is OK, too, if that's what he wants.
By Gary5 at 13,Jun,14 19:08 other posts of Gary5 
And many thanks once again, this is so interesting coming from a disinterested third party, as it were.

And yes indeed, when I was younger I had so many girls suck my cock, and it was always OK, but nothing special - but this one was amazing, so I fully agree with you - I had to make him stop because I was going to explode when he'd hardly started - qed, a man knows what to do - although I wasn't very sure when I tried him, but that was because it was my first time I guess.

And thank you re the ejaculation question, you are absolutely right.

Would love to ask you some more, but maybe in a private forum!

And thanks again
By spermkiss at 13,Jun,14 21:14 other posts of spermkiss 
First, I want to correct a little typo in my last note. I wrote "expensive experience" but I meant "extensive experience".

I know what you mean about trying to slow things down when a really talented cocksucker starts going to town on my dick. It just feels so good that I want to make it last. Maybe he does to because he's enjoying sucking and doesn't want it to end too quickly. Or maybe he's eager for his sperm reward. After a while one kinda gets a feeling about what the other party wants, whether it's a long drawn out cocksucking session or a quick suck with a fast climax. Whether I'm the cocksucker or the suckee, it's important to me to please the other party. Isn't that what sex is all about? The intimate joining of two bodies for the pleasure of both parties.

Finally, sure, feel free to sent me Private Messages. I'm on the site all the time and like getting them. I'm pretty good about answering them, too.
By Gary5 at 13,Jun,14 23:45 other posts of Gary5 
Thank you, as always, for your thoughts - and, also as always, agreed - and thanks too, will PM you.
By spermkiss at 15,Jun,14 00:00 other posts of spermkiss 
'Got your PM but could not reply because the message I got was that you only accept PMs from friends.

By #458194 at 12,Jun,14 19:39
Yes thank you for all the advice you dispense
By spermkiss at 13,Jun,14 15:11 other posts of spermkiss 
You're welcome. I've said many times that one of the most rewarding parts of this site is the things we members learn from each other. I've learned a lot from other members so I'm just doing my part by helping out others when I can. One hand washes the other.
By Gary5 at 13,Jun,14 15:38 other posts of Gary5 
I agree with Zakila - and yes, we do learn from each other - I love this site!

By #463249 at 12,Jun,14 02:55
Great post, spermkiss!
By spermkiss at 12,Jun,14 03:41 other posts of spermkiss 
Thank you. 'Just doing what I can to help out other members.

By #445126 at 12,Jun,14 11:46
All the world loves a good cock. Can't say I know why, but I can say that many straight men want a cock other than theirs now and again. Lots of the men that I fuck with identify as straight. I think it's our nature to look at them and to crave them.
By spermkiss at 12,Jun,14 15:18 other posts of spermkiss 
"All the world loves a good cock."

Well put and right on the money. Everyone loves cocks. One reason for this is, I think, is that it's impossible for a penis to lie. It's impossible to fake an erection and impossible to fake an ejaculation. When we see the jizz squirting out of a hard cock we know it's the real thing. There's a reason that the ejaculation is called the "money shot" in porn, it's what everyone is there to see.

By #220845 at 11,Jun,14 16:33
I don't knowwwhy, but I am a ccock suckered to.

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