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First time out in public dressed as a woman

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Started by #181785 at 21,Jun,14 23:05
When, where and how old were you when you went out as a women. Or ladies when you went out as a man.

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By #181785 at 21,Jun,14 23:15
Mine was about a 2 months ago. By my office in So. Cal. I went for a walk around the area that my office is in. At first I was real jumpy and really didn't want anyone to see me, after a while I kinda wanted someone to see me. There is a storage place down the street form me and I have a unit there. I had walked by it and was on my way back, when the lady that takes my rent each month was out walking her dog. So now from wanting someone to see, but not someone I know, to sheer terror, to oh well maybe she won't say anything or not know its me cause its dark. Well no such luck, she said hi how are you and I had to answer, so if she didn't know by looks she did by sound. She has never said anything to me nor does she act any different when I come in to pay.

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