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Started by routemaster at 21,Jul,14 22:40  other posts of routemaster
Hello everyone, many thanks to all of you who have sent messages and invites recently and your kind compliments on the pics too. Just wanted to say sorry that I've not had the chance to reply to all of them yet, been out a lot and also a few personal problems and I shall be away for a few days from tomorrow (Tuesday, 22.7.14) but hopefully back at the weekend depending on how a loved one who is not too well at the moment is. Just didn't want you thinking I was deliberately ignoring you. Have a great week, stay horny and all the best for now, love and kisses to you all xxxxxxx

Similar topics: 1.A MESSAGE TO MY FRIENDS FROM ROUTEMASTER   2.A MESSAGE TO MY FRIENDS FROM ROUTEMASTER   3.Our friend ROUTEMASTER   4.A message from Routemaster   5.A message from Routemaster  

New Comment

By *kmadeau* at 31,Jul,14 13:37 other posts of *kmadeau* 
Hi Buddy!

By routemaster at 31,Jul,14 07:33 other posts of routemaster 
Thanks my friends, I am home now having stayed a bit longer than intended. Looking forward to getting back into the swing of SYD and doing more porn, missed it while I was away.
By #316057 at 31,Jul,14 07:45

By #316057 at 22,Jul,14 02:35

By #81191 at 21,Jul,14 23:05
So good of you to aplogise for which there is no nead as I am sure most of us understand your circumstances. Love and kisses to you and take care.

Adult Discussion Forum