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Blowjob technique

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Started by #454258 at 23,Jul,14 03:35
a long time ago, my first and only time i sucked dick, I couldn't keep my teeth from scratching him, making him uncomfortable. I want to try again, with someone else. Any Ideas?

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By nekekal at 30,Jul,14 20:22 other posts of nekekal 
Actually, a few teeth hitting the cock is not the worst thing that can happen. You want to avoid hitting the little strip of skin on the underside of the head. That gets sore and is kind of a hardon killer.

I also don't recommend covering your teeth with your lips. One of the best parts of having your cock sucked is the feeling of soft warm lips around the shaft just under the head and to feel the sucking.

Advice, open wide and put the cock head in your mouth, then close down so your lips are around the cock head and suck while you slowly back off until the tip is in your mouth, then slowly go back down, slide your tongue in between your teeth and his cock head, and suck like you love it.

Good luck. You could practice on mine for as long as it takes to master it.
By #454258 at 03,Jun,15 03:42
Come to the Pasific Northwest. and we'll see

By #466487 at 29,Jul,14 16:19
Try a mouthful of hot coffee before you slide a cock into it
By #454258 at 30,Jul,14 04:04
1st, I don't drink coffee.

2nd, what?

By spermkiss at 23,Jul,14 15:35 other posts of spermkiss 
So you only did it once and were not very good at it on your first time out. This is hardly surprising. A pianist is going to perform a perfect rendition of the Moonlight Sonata the first time he sits down at a piano bench. So practice, practice, practice! Get down on your knees and such some more cocks.

Sarcasm aside, arexa52 has given you excellent advice. Curl your lips up so that they cover your teeth. Or as freddiep said, open wider. But the most important factor here is that you want to do it again and you want to please the man your sucking. That goes a long way toward your becoming a World Class Cocksucker. Good luck.
By #454258 at 26,Jul,14 04:45
thanks for the advise
By spermkiss at 26,Jul,14 18:50 other posts of spermkiss 
You're certainly welcome. There was one little typo in my comment. I wrote "A pianist is going to perform..." when I meant to write "A pianist ISN'T going to perform..." But I'm sure you figured that out.

I'll say again that being motivated to be a good cocksucker is going to go a long way to getting you there. Again, good luck. (God, another typo! I should have written "... please the man YOU'RE sucking.")

By #147052 at 23,Jul,14 15:33
Take your teeth out.
By spermkiss at 23,Jul,14 16:07 other posts of spermkiss 
Well, if you have artificial teeth that is definitely an option. I've had more than one guy take out his upper plate and give me a mind blowing gum job. Toothless cocksuckers have told me that having no teeth takes cocksucking into a whole different dimension.

But I have a full set of natural teeth and I manage just fine. I may be a devoted and dedicated cocksucker, but I ain't gonna give up my teeth just to enhance the cocksucking experience.

By #332336 at 23,Jul,14 12:59
Open your mouth wider.

By #358797 at 23,Jul,14 03:56
I've heard female friends say they curl their lips in to cover their teeth.... I've never had that issue, but maybe that'll help..

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