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Anyone into smegma?

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Started by #458590 at 18,Aug,14 21:41
I love dickcheese! Anybody else into it?

Similar topics: 1.Smegma   2.smegma   3.Group Dirty cock (Smegma)   4.dirty dick dick cheese smegma   5.DICK CHEESE/SMEGMA! What are your thoughts and experiences? Do you try and build it up or struggle to keep it clean?  

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By #487013 at 11,May,16 04:02
For the last time built up dick crud is not food m'kay.
By RealTitsLover at 02,Jul,17 00:46 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Have you tried eating it? It so, you're pretty brave.

I don't even think I'm able to get any dick crud. You might've noticed I'm very... streamlined. Even if I went a whole week without showering, there's nowhere for it to form or get stuck, let alone build up.
By #511925 at 07,Oct,17 03:28
That’s because you have a great cock without the cheese factory on top 😂
By #536760 at 07,Oct,17 03:30

By #487013 at 09,May,16 01:26
By RealTitsLover at 02,Jul,17 00:34 other posts of RealTitsLover 
Why is the puke bright neon green with that icon?
At least this one's the right color...

By #537179 at 23,Jun,17 00:53
Love dick cheese. Would love to check any guy's dirty cock. Contact me

By #517660 at 07,Aug,16 09:07
You guys can be so funny! Fair dinkum! Specially you Bella. You're a chick right? that's great. Whether you are or not. So good you're here. Intersting subject - smegma. Even just saying the word conjures up images of crusty, fetid dicks! And I think Bella is right re the skin cells & body oils. They would be ideal places for bacteria to multiply. Under that skin where oxygen is exluded - & the bugs just love that kind of environnment. But I don't think she's completely right.

There's more to it I think. If I leave a bit of 'post cum' (or whatever you wanna call it)under my foreskin before I go to ****, the next morning there is quite a fragrance down there - & I like it! Quite a strong one though. A combination of maybe the smell of the sea & roast lamb perhaps. A 'spicy'aroma. I need to clean it away before I go near others, as it's very distinctive & maybe a giveaway to someone who knows the smell!

Just overnight, with that result? There's some chemistry going on here as well as some biology, I suspect.

Ok, from my memory of high school, there are sort-of 'standard' chemical reactions, when certain 'families' of chemicals are combined.
Urine is acidic. Cum is alkalai. I seem to remember that an acid combined with a non-metallic alkalai produced a salt of some kind. Mine smelled a bit like the sea - ie. Salty! Maybe even a bit like soy sauce! A bit weird? Is it just me? Is my chemistry theory plausible?

I'm not sure. I'm no expert. But I do know for sure if someone else had that aroma about them my mouth would start watering straight away, like I smelled someone cooking roast lamb. Only difference is I may get a hardon as well!

There's no doubt that if you don't clean down there it can get nasty, as I have found for myself in the past. Yep, I got lazy one winter & left it too long between dick washes. I ended up with cracks on the skin of my firemans hat! I think a bit of baby powder & keeping the area dry for a few days ended up gettn rid of it. I didn't need some quack's antibiotic prescription that would also kill all the good digestive bugs in my stomach, & maybe the bug on my cock!

I never have that problem now, even though I'm uncut & can completely cover the head of my 'little mate with his hoodie' when flaccid. I get around with the hood right back & out the way all the time now. I'm used to it now. So its just like I've been cut. I make a fair bit of precum so I sometimes have 'snail trails' in my undies like some girls do, & frangers often slide off, but I'm ok with it.

By #356289 at 19,Aug,14 11:02
[deleted image]
wanna lick
By #451452 at 19,Aug,14 13:09
Not on a bet. One reason to be circumcised, hygiene is much easier to maintain, smell is reduced and less disease can grow.

By foreskinlover52 at 20,Aug,14 13:24 other posts of foreskinlover52 
Yes I would lick clean your cock!
By #511925 at 02,Aug,16 22:18
Mmmmm mouldy blue cheese foreskin for breakfast...

By cumjohn at 20,May,16 18:23 other posts of cumjohn 
I love smegma cocks. Yummy.

By cardinal at 09,May,16 00:37 other posts of cardinal 
sickeist shit I ever heard..

By bella! at 07,May,16 23:34 other posts of bella! 
Uh, no! I repeat, NO!

By #511925 at 07,May,16 23:22
So you guys like pissing under your foreskins and never washing it out so that you can build up dick cheese?
Sure all the lady's love that surprise.... Oh and the smell must be of roses..

By foreskinlover52 at 20,Aug,14 13:26 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I find a bit sexy and dont mind it at all!

By bella! at 18,Aug,14 23:43 other posts of bella! 
Umm, er, I just don't know what to say......

So you like smegma, aka dickcheese!? I call it icky dick.

Would you be kind enough to share how you consume it? Do you spread it on toast or bread? On crackers? Do you spread over lunchmeat? Is it "fresh" and consumed straight off the dick? Do you eat your own smegma or do you have a special provider?

Such an interesting topic but I have so many questions.
By #459351 at 18,Aug,14 23:45
By bella! at 19,Aug,14 00:15 other posts of bella! 
C'mon, if I said "I like sandwich spread, who else likes it" wouldn't you have some of the very same questions?

Now, my momma would by ring bologna ( seriously, nothing more than a big, fat circular hotdog ) if it wasn't all consumed at dinner, she would grind the rest up, with pickle, add some Miracle Whip and voila! Same thing with ham, once it got to the point that you couldn't slice it, she hacked the rest off, added pickle, sent it through the grinder added MW.......

The best sandwich spread I had was when Farmer Jack was the big grocery chain in Michigan and I had a part-time job in the deli. We tossed all meat ends in a bag, sans smoked meats, roast beef, corned beef, pastrami and head cheese..... The meat ends plus pickles were ground up and the se.cret ingredient was the purple beet, horseradish that was added with the store brand MW. The beet horseradish evened the color and gave this culinary masterpiece a little punch! Good on crackers or bread! YUM!
By #451452 at 19,Aug,14 03:50
My country frugal Grandmother did pretty much the same thing with meat remains, except she used HM instead of MW. Turkey was even better. The only thing that left the house when we had Thanksgiving turkey was a boiled out carcass. Soup was the last thing before the carcass was tossed.

By t-rex at 19,Aug,14 02:03 other posts of t-rex 
Omg, I must be to clean, I have never had this,,,, liking it ?? this is to disgusting
By bella! at 19,Aug,14 02:22 other posts of bella! 
Smegma, isn't it dead skin cells combined with body oils that ferments in the moist penis region? I kinda think of it as something that would be found on a man that has poor hygiene. Here's something to think about, what if there's not enough smegma to satisfy one's sexual appetite? Can ear wax be substituted?
By #451452 at 19,Aug,14 03:52
Bella you are too much. I think that I will go have a dish of small curd cottage cheese.
By bella! at 19,Aug,14 11:47 other posts of bella! 
Oh, no! I like cottage cheese.....
By #451452 at 19,Aug,14 13:07
Sorry for the image. I like cottage cheese as well.

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