Because it has become quite the obsession of a certain SYD member (don't worry, John, I won't mention any names)to share the private discussions of S.A.S. group members with the readers of the forum, I thought that I would give him a well deserved day off and report this week's goings-on myself...
1. one of the ladies gave us an update on her vacation
2. a heartfelt appeal was made in favor of putting an end to the shaving of pubic hair.
3. Sasquatch, wookies and Star Wars novels, derailed the pro-pube discussion
4. the membership voted on the sending of an invitation to join us to a new member. (It passed unanimously)
5. that new member accepted, and beer was shared by all
6. there was a brief discussion about some sort of sporting event. It might have been soccer. Perhaps...croquet? (Honestly, who the fuck knows about that sort of thing?)
7. badger suits, tap dancing and butt-pickles were also mentioned. (don't ask)
8. firing at Will was deemed to be a bad idea (for which, Will is very thankful!)
9. It was reported that Guardians of the Galaxy is a really good movie, and that Will wants to be Rocket Raccoon when he grows up.
And that's about it. Very exciting stuff, don't you think? Anyway, I hope that you have enjoyed this little look "behind the scenes" of one of the most EVIL groups at SYD.
Have a pleasant day!

I've been told, by a different individual, that I've been the topic of conversation at times. I know Emm isn't thrilled I'm back (sad, really; we had been friends at one time), and another member supposedly trashed me at some point. I find that hard to believe--I think it was a misinterpretation. I've never found said person to be mean-spirited....
At any rate, if this is the source of much drama, I don't really want to take part. I'm avoiding drama like the plague now. Just want to make love, not war, you know? lol
Any drama that exists is courtesy of the Blunder From Down Under, aka, the Australian Asshat.
Not really sure why a private group has all its topics aired in the forum, to be honest. There seems little point in maintaining a private group if people can indiscriminately snoop and gossip about things said within the privacy of the group.
That is the problem.
No-one passes information in bad faith to someone,you can never know what someone will do with the information they receive.
It doesn't concern you as to why they were booted.
But thank you for asking everyone about things that are not of your concern.
Just because you read or see something,doesn't make it true.
--------------------------------------- added after 5 minutes
By the way, what have I asked "everyone" that is none of my concern? If it is that I asked JustWill if he knew that JohnS does not have any special privileges and that the information was passed along from a member within the group....... Won't you allow him to answer?
1. Australian Asshats
2. The Blunder from Down Under and the Overlord join forces
3. Bilingual blind folk and how they choose a leader
4. Empty marble bags
5. Why won't John answer for his crimes against humanity (or, at the very least, answer a simple question)?
6. If you know that we know that you know what we're saying, is it REALLY being done in secr*t?
Did you call me a bag and suggest that I lost my marbles? Hmmmmm.......?????
The Blunder from Down Under has you bamboozled. To the best of my knowledge, you were only ever mentioned in one group conversation (the now infamous "asshat" discussion), which took place way back in the time before time. Normally--as I have tried to show in this thread--we talk of many things ("Of shoes--and ships--and sealing-wax--
Of cabbages--and kings--
And why the sea is boiling hot--
And whether pigs have wings." ~L. Carroll)
The truth of the matter is, the Aussie Asshat's name only ever comes up when he insists upon flopping his poor abus*d donkey out in the forum and flaying it to within an inch of what passes for its life. He LIKES it when we discuss him. It makes him feel more important than he actually is.
As a matter of fact, the poor, addle-pated fellow has set his account to only receive PMs from individuals on his friend list (a position that most of us in the SAS no longer hold
--------------------------------------- added after 20 minutes
I forgot to answer your question. Sorry.
The marble sack in question was not yours. It was a bag of aggies, catseyes and allies, some of which, it was suggested, must have escaped the pouch and rolled under the furniture--thus rendering their owner ill-equipped to play with others.
Other possible metaphors might include, but are not limited to:
Has had his pilot-light blown out
He's a sandwich shy of a picnic
The lights are on, but nobody is home
Both oars are not in the water
He has splinters in the windmills of his mind
Not playing with a full deck
There are squirrels in his attic
Believe me, I'm not bamboozled and for the most part, I'm pretty independent in my thinking. I would be silly to think that I have not rubbed some members the wrong way which could possibly make me the topic of a conversation or two. I am direct in my approach, I come through the front door, not sneak in through the back....I am who I am.
It was decided that "naughty things" are pretty cool.
There was much rejoicing...
Then, you need at least 13 members--who have been in the group for no less then five years--to vouch for you.
It's a fairly simple process, actually...
And PS... Apparently you didn't get the memo that I'm a dyke...