Recent Posts of member palunko


By palunko at 02,Aug,17 00:41
Hm, after many years here, I never even tryed to be verified, neither to ask someobody to do something...

I **** people that always beg and ask for something " vote for my pic" "put my pic in your favs" "coment on my pics" ...
And when I read this topic, I must say that ambition to become verified member sounds a bit elitistic and a snobbish to me

Although the truth is that there are many fake profiles here, so some kind of verification could solve that problem but this kind of verification is a bit stupid if you ask me

By palunko at 02,Aug,17 00:25
[deleted image]

By palunko at 22,Jul,17 02:35

By palunko at 25,Mar,16 22:30

By palunko at 25,Mar,16 22:27

By palunko at 25,Mar,16 22:25

By palunko at 25,Mar,16 22:05
I have few, here is one..

By palunko at 13,Feb,16 14:33

By palunko at 13,Feb,16 13:24

By palunko at 26,Jan,16 07:17

By palunko at 24,Dec,15 00:21
True, what's the point of negative votes? I don't understand that. guess that must be result of envy, jealousy, or some kind of inferiority complex...
I must say I saw some pics here that are horror for me and I wish I never saw those in my life, but never had neither intention or idea neither will to vote negative. I give only positive votes for pics I find attractive.
Personally, I don't need much points and don't bother much about points, but my vote is for prohibition of negative voting

By palunko at 25,Sep,15 17:31

By palunko at 10,Sep,15 15:44

By palunko at 10,Sep,15 15:39
I am disgusted by all royal families in the world, especially with British one. They are bunch of degenerates

By palunko at 09,Sep,15 13:42
So what is her achievement? that she is still alive and that she was born as "special royal ass" ?

only registered users can see external links

By palunko at 19,Jul,15 17:55
I did it but we where horny teenagers exploring our bodies and all about sexuality I guess.. anyway, we use to watch porn movies and siting on sofa jerking off, so it is natural, if you have eyes, to see your friend that seats near you... then we of course compare it to see who is bigger... btw I was 14,15 yo my friend one year older, there was few other occasions like that with other friend of mine ... But now, when I am older I really have no idea how I would initiate it hehe, maybe the best way is to get drunk with your friend for a start

By palunko at 03,Jul,15 12:40

[deleted image]

By palunko at 26,Jun,15 22:42

By palunko at 25,Jun,15 14:21

By palunko at 25,Jun,15 14:20

By palunko at 20,Jun,15 00:02

Not the hairiest guy here but I have some hair

By palunko at 14,Jun,15 19:12
every contest here was just about showing pics without judges or prices so maybe it would be actually nice and interesting to have some kind of contest...

By palunko at 22,May,15 17:38
sorry to hear that, he is great guy...

By palunko at 17,May,15 05:11

By palunko at 19,Apr,15 20:51

By palunko at 12,Apr,15 11:16
who says it is wrong

By palunko at 12,Apr,15 11:13

By palunko at 02,Mar,15 15:40

By palunko at 25,Feb,15 16:00

By palunko at 25,Feb,15 15:48

By palunko at 25,Feb,15 15:45

By palunko at 25,Feb,15 15:35
damn, I never can get A+ in my hole life

By palunko at 24,Feb,15 21:40

By palunko at 15,Feb,15 00:35

By palunko at 13,Feb,15 18:30
Ok, I get what you have in mind... That sounds fair enough for your vote. I don't know if I ever talked with him in all this years I have been here, but I know that I always reply, that is a mater of culture

My vote than goes to -Vivace- , he is also old member, he is great and kind guy always nice talking with him, not to mention his fantastic pics...

By palunko at 13,Feb,15 17:46
most deserving member based on what? just curios...

By palunko at 24,Jan,15 13:27

mine is also curved, up and to the left

By palunko at 23,Jan,15 21:04
hehe well that is true, here we can't apply that saying - let the best win - so it is all about luck, and I am the lucky one

By palunko at 23,Jan,15 19:23
just be aware that you don't use baby oil when you use condom

By palunko at 23,Jan,15 19:20
hehe I wish you luck, but I ll win this game

By palunko at 23,Jan,15 15:58
I have never watched a game of American football in my life, don't even know the rules, but I like to play and gamble so I ll say Seattle 21 - New England 17 = 38

By palunko at 21,Jan,15 07:19

By palunko at 20,Jan,15 14:19

By palunko at 31,Dec,14 18:34
my contribution

By palunko at 27,Dec,14 14:42
haha so that explains all to me didn't know for that, and I also was surprised when I saw I don't have any comments on some pics that I remember I had some comments

By palunko at 24,Dec,14 15:30
I am wondering if there is any thread on this forum where members nominates other members pics , or it is as I see so far always a self promotion?

By palunko at 18,Dec,14 15:07
something like this?

By palunko at 17,Dec,14 16:34
I also don't use facebook, but I think that out there is a lot of similar sites like one you are talking about. Although I am curios to see what it would look like, I think it would not be big success.. Just my personal opinion.

By palunko at 12,Dec,14 14:21
to be honest, not really I never had sex with person I didn't like so there was no need for fantasies... Plus, I love to watch person in eyes during sex

By palunko at 10,Dec,14 15:08
hehe this is impossible to answer for me... this is my, I don't know exactly, I guess 6-th profile... I guess it has past at least 5 years from first registration but who knows what date