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Commando Anybody?

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Started by #462598 at 22,Aug,14 00:25
Curious as to how many if any members go commando like me. I like to have nothing on underneath my pants. The freedom is exhilarating and so comfortable. I get aroused rather quickly so there's a bulge which is very noticeable

Similar topics: 1.Always Commando   2.Commando ?   3.Commando penis here.   4.Commando   5.Going Commando  

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By #543717 at 15,Jan,18 08:05
Going commando in my jeans. The rim of my dickhead clearly outlined against the fabric.

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By niceonebighead at 22,Nov,17 19:41 other posts of niceonebighead 
always commando me & my lady we play off & on all the time

By #463848 at 22,Nov,17 16:01
I always dress 'commando' when I first get up and wear pants of very thin material. I like to be able to feel my cock with as little resistance as possible without actually getting it out. Also, it is better if I do want to get it out as all I have to do is drop my pants and all is exposed.

By Yando at 25,Oct,17 22:47 other posts of Yando 

By #181785 at 25,Oct,17 04:08
Commando 24/7.

By #460523 at 24,Oct,17 23:25
all the time

By #532851 at 23,Oct,17 16:56
I do with shorts on . Shows of the ridge of my head.

By dura2000 at 15,Oct,17 21:52 other posts of dura2000 
I am now.
By #358797 at 16,Oct,17 00:56
Same here. I just didn't feel like wearing undies today. Lol

By #518391 at 11,Oct,17 06:58
Yes, I also love going commando...feeling my bare helmet rubbing against jeans and balls swinging free...but, with my small cock, not much of a bulge...
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By #525562 at 11,Oct,17 02:46
FU,K you my dick likes to be hugged but saying all that I do go cammando.

By #522791 at 11,Oct,17 02:44
Helllllyeeeah all the time

By #460523 at 11,Oct,17 01:09
all the time for the last 15 years I think

By #542291 at 11,Oct,17 00:33
40 years

By #311947 at 09,Oct,17 11:01
Always go commando, unless its REALLY cold

By #485312 at 09,Oct,17 10:14
only registered users can see external links
commando on the rocks *lix*

By Walker at 08,Oct,17 23:43 other posts of Walker 
I go commando al summer, every time I wear shorts. I like the breeze on my cock and balls and how easy it is to drop my shorts while driving.

By #518391 at 27,Jul,17 07:24
Yes, it's very liberating....
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By #460523 at 28,Mar,15 20:26
feels great

By JeffinKS at 30,Aug,14 22:26 other posts of JeffinKS 
commando in some very lightweight shorts or naked all weekend long

By #206678 at 29,Aug,14 19:35
I like going commando in track pants when shopping at the mall.

By #400852 at 29,Aug,14 09:24
Always,I don't even own any underwear

By #143536 at 26,Aug,14 15:37
Depends on what I'm doing. Some quick trips to the grocery store. Definitely if I'm going to the porn shop or the strip club.
By spermkiss at 26,Aug,14 17:23 other posts of spermkiss 
Can definitely understand that. At the porn shop you definitely want you meat to hang free so that if you get a woodie it will show in your pants and everyone will see it. It pays to advertise. At the strip club you want easy access. No underpants to have to struggle with. Just reach inside your pants or whip it out and play while the strippers do their thing.
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Am I a sick pervert or what? And don't you jus love me for being one?
By #143536 at 26,Aug,14 23:41
Absolutely! Pervs think alike I didn't used to be as brave but once i stepped over that line there was no looking back
By spermkiss at 27,Aug,14 00:03 other posts of spermkiss 
And we pervs have more fun.

A couple of things come to mind. One is an old joke that goes: "Good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere."

Another is a quote from the late Mae West: "When faced with a choice of two evils, I generally prefer the one I've never tried."

By #311947 at 27,Aug,14 17:30
Pervs rule!

By #311947 at 26,Aug,14 09:43
All the time.

By #460252 at 24,Aug,14 23:03
all the time dont own undies

By #455846 at 24,Aug,14 17:39
definately when wearing jeans and as much as possible

By JeffinKS at 23,Aug,14 03:19 other posts of JeffinKS 
I am always commando....every where all the time. like to wear light weight shorts so people can see my cock and balls swinging

By #359325 at 23,Aug,14 02:00
Commando 24/7....

By lilbuttlvr at 22,Aug,14 18:14 other posts of lilbuttlvr 
Always commando, don't even own panties
By #44980 at 22,Aug,14 22:21
Damn, hope you wear skirts alot!!

By t-rex at 23,Aug,14 00:50 other posts of t-rex 
Where do you live ?

By #269759 at 23,Aug,14 00:37
Went commando today and have been horny all day! I usually wear boxer briefs, but once every couple of weeks or so I go to work without.

By #285354 at 23,Aug,14 00:05
Yes, it depends on my plans for the day. Love it anytime of the year.
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By Sickboy at 22,Aug,14 22:04 other posts of Sickboy 
I've been going Commando for about 15 years!

By spermkiss at 22,Aug,14 15:45 other posts of spermkiss 
Most of the time in shorts and ALWAYS in short shorts. I like the feeling of hanging free and the air circulation around my jewels when the breezes blow up the leg openings feels so good. Plus it's so much fun to sometimes hang out when I sit, squat or stoop.

Usually with washable pants.

Never with a suit or dress pants the need to be dry cleaned. The reason is pre-cum leakage. I'm very much a pre-cum leaker and while this will readily wash out (no hot water!), it does not dry clean away. With a suit or dress pants I wear silk boxers, which feel like I'm going commando.

By #102374 at 22,Aug,14 14:43
All the time especially in shorts. Let the boys breath.

By Odin_york_pa at 22,Aug,14 02:50 other posts of Odin_york_pa 
I do the commando thing time to time, but generally like a nice boxer-brief. "My boys need a home"

By Ray10754 at 22,Aug,14 00:39 other posts of Ray10754 
I havn't worn underwear since My early teens! As a mater of fact I dont even own any! other than a few jock's, to me they are a waist of time and money.

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