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Should I Feel Guilty ?

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Started by #44456 at 08,Jan,10 05:52
Okay So Everyday After School (Yes Im 19 in High School blow me)But anyways Ive been taking One of my close friends girlfriend to my house after school it started out us just hanging out listening to music but its turned into us fucking everyday after school I mean we do it all Every position all the role playing and my friends really in love with this girl and he is tottally unaware that Im giving her the good dick behind his back she told me He couldnt get it up so Im her go to sex toy I feel bad But On the same note i dont know ?

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By #289712 at 03,Nov,15 11:38
Not particularly. Not that I flashed it about, but I wasn't really concerned. Although I saw a few of my mates that were quite large, I knew that, like most I had a pretty standard issue and wasn't fazed if others saw my penis.

By #482836 at 03,Feb,15 11:36
Get your friend to join in

By firefox553 at 04,Jan,15 19:16 other posts of firefox553 
She is using you as a sex toy don't feel bad your getting your dick used, and if you and your friend ever get in a fight you and blast him with it.

By WristThick at 23,Dec,14 21:00 other posts of WristThick 
In my view, you were doing your friend a favor by taking care of his girl's needs. Stay with me here. If you hadn't stepped in, she just would've broken up with him. Instead, she's still with him and he's none the wiser.

There are lots of relationships and marriages which don't end because one of the two is stepping out to get their satisfaction. When kids are involved, this gets really serious. But in the end, is it better to go through a horrible divorce and custody battle, or stay together for the kids? If your answer is the latter, then you probably agree with me if it ever comes to this.

I don't know why two people who aren't sexually compatible stay together long enough for it to become an actual relationship. Let alone a marriage. I just don't get it. That's what leads to situations like this. The guy couldn't get it up, but at that age I STRONGLY doubt that's because of something physically wrong with him. It's that he's not sexually compatible with this girl. He should've just moved along and if anything, it's wrong that she kept the relationship going with his bad problem.

By #467154 at 23,Dec,14 17:08
What the hell, fuck her some more. If you don't you will in a year from now, be sorry for not fucking her more. I fuck my best friend wife and she loved it could not stop come back for more. I lost a friend but there very happy today with 2 kids. So is that 80% of the people you meet will not like you. The other 20% will. If I didn't fuck her they would have split up.

By DJS at 22,Dec,14 10:25 other posts of DJS 
Worked all over the world & made mates with guys in them countries,& its the same RULE as in the UK..You don't fuck your mates woman..

By #220845 at 21,Dec,14 04:37
Quit fuckingccheating

By #471112 at 04,Sep,14 20:46
Major rule of life ~~~ no matter who your are fucking never ever tell the wife, aged 60 + it still works for me.
By #303133 at 04,Sep,14 21:18
No offense intended, but this thread is over four years old.
Was there a specific reason that you dug it up to comment on now?
By bella! at 04,Sep,14 21:48 other posts of bella! 
I have a thought!

He's indicated that he's 67 years old and if he's "lucky", he's retired. Having some additional time on his hands, he reminisced about the glory days of jacking off at work or school, which happened to be a thread from April, 2012. *BAM!* this topic was related. I used the logic of the 7 degrees of Kevin Bacon.
By #303133 at 05,Sep,14 00:22
Okay, so you have a thing for Kevin Bacon?
By #136427 at 05,Sep,14 00:32
I think most folks here like sausage over bacon!

By bella! at 05,Sep,14 00:43 other posts of bella! 
No, Znaut is correct, it's all about bacon! BLT's are so YUM!
By #136427 at 06,Sep,14 03:10
Or a nice mutton lettuce tomato sandwich, when the mutton is so lean!

By #446346 at 20,Dec,14 21:51
Is the 7 degrees similar to Dante' 9th?
Notice it is very close, off by just 2.

By #446346 at 04,Nov,14 00:56
Yes, cheaters are liars.
Who would ever want to be with a loser?

By #7976 at 05,Sep,14 03:01
[A] Yes... You should feel guilty as hell for banging your friends girlfriend. Significant others are off limits at any time. If he finds out, he should most defiantly kick her to the curb and kick you repeatedly in the balls.

[B] Your 19 and have a girl to fuck. What the hell are you wasting your time with online sex sites. Save this for when your out on your own or have been married for a few years.

By #41885 at 08,Jan,10 19:34
No direspect, but honestly you Yanks make me laugh, all this talk about morals , betrayal and shit is typical.

So the guy has fucked his mates girl..wow

ok yes he should feel guilty but only if it was just the once yea.. BUT Bolloks NO they been at it like rabbits..

so he dont really give a shit about his '' so called best mate '' deep down.

And she sounds like a slapper who is gonna fuck her way through most of the school.

Get over it and move on..Next please
By #23212 at 10,Jan,10 01:22
Actually, it's why the British sent the damn Puritans to America!

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