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Cock Site Court of Law in Session

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Started by #491909 at 12,Jul,15 21:35
Is Bill Cosby guilty, or NOT guilty???


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By leopoldij at 13,Jul,15 10:14 other posts of leopoldij 
Why does the whole world talk about this guy? Even if he's guilty, I don't care. Worse crimes happen daily and we don't hear about . Many remain unreported. So many women suffering from r_apes, that nobody will ever hear about. And we talk about Cosby. Let his local judges deal with it.
By #491909 at 13,Jul,15 14:01
Well, with topics that you post such as Vaginal Weight Lifting how could anyone not be distracted by that??
By leopoldij at 13,Jul,15 16:55 other posts of leopoldij 
Ah you noticed that. Good.

By #485312 at 13,Jul,15 05:35
he's a lowlife creep, drugging women is the bottom of the barrel behaviour. ld like to give him a roofy and let him wake up feeling violated..let the punishment fit the crime l say *lix*

By _avg_ at 12,Jul,15 22:21 other posts of _avg_ 
Well, this is easy: he is guilty -- by his own admission -- of obtaining drugs that he intended to give to women he wanted to have sex with. only registered users can see external links

It's important to note, however, that it's not an admission to a crime (as that article well explains). He is NOT GUILTY of a crime until he is convicted of one.

Devil's advocate: Bill Cosby DID druug those women but he was only doing them a favor -- his dick is SO HUGE that there's no way a conscious woman could endure sex with him.

By mr_blue at 12,Jul,15 21:49 other posts of mr_blue 
Who knows,but if he goes in with the 'zipzopzubbitybop' defence he's fucked...

Or his defence team opening statement starting with Fat Albert's 'hey,hey,hey'.

On a side note,how did the Cosby show have that name?,when it was about the Huxtables...

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