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Q Leggings

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Started by minkip at 02,Sep,14 18:42  other posts of minkip
I've tried to be out and running in Q leggings. It turns me on. Are there other guys who have tried it.

Similar topics: 1.leggings or tights?   2.Short Pants -- An Encouraging Sign   3.Are any men brave enough to wear mens leggings in public without shorts over them.   4.A question for ladies about men in spandex pants with no shorts over   5.Who has gotten a prominent erection in a yoga class  

New Comment

By knewbi at 07,Jan,20 18:49 other posts of knewbi 
Oh hell yes!!! Especially if they are the shiny material. Makes a great looking bulge and I am fucking nutz about a good bulge.

By spermkiss at 02,Sep,14 19:01 other posts of spermkiss 
OK, what are they? Please tell me that they are something that is wholesomely kinky like crotchless pants so that your dick, balls and asshole are exposed as you run.
By minkip at 02,Sep,14 20:11 other posts of minkip 
I think you know Q leggings as womens have.
On my running with this, there was many Young girls and boys their look on my bulge.
--------------------------------------- added after 15 hours

Any Guys in Q leggings???
By #591921 at 07,Jan,20 09:59
I wore my underarmour compression pants to the adult shop one night. I went to the basement looking at porns covers and got a little chub not hard just fluffed then walked back upstairs. The girl working there followed me around. Eventually she just plain out came right out and said your one brave ass dude I can just rich at your cock tight now and see it plain as day. She pointed and said I see right there your circumcised head,and what is that are you pierced,she bent down and said yes you are I se the jewelry damn you have a nice cock for an old guy.

Adult Discussion Forum