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Are you viewed as a top or bottom kind of person? Does penis size decide this?

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Started by #377789 at 04,Sep,14 21:45
Do people see me as a top or bottom person. When you look at my pics what do you think like oh id love to have that cock in me or is love to put my cock in me? Also does penis size have to do with it? Everyone send your pictures and I'll tell you what i think you are and if you could please tell me!

Similar topics: 1.I Just want to say thanks to show your dick.com and everyone on it !   2.Ladies: Rate my penis size   3.Hey Guys, Mainly Tops   4.Larger Or Smaller Cocks   5.Are there any single bottom gay men here who AREN'T MARRIED? & who are looking for a lover?  

New Comment

By #377789 at 15,Sep,14 19:55
Does getting fucked in the ass feel good?
By small_dik at 18,Sep,14 22:56 other posts of small_dik 
In my experience it's over rated. I really don't feel anything except some friction at my anus. But I can't feel anything inside me and it never makes me cum. If the dick is too big it can actually hurt, and make you bleed (which is how HIV is spread).

I have also read that women don't really get off on it too like you see in porn movies. They're acting after all in those movies. Many women who participate in anal sex usually masturbate at the same time to get any pleasure from it. Anal alone gives them no pleasure. Not saying all women, but from what I've read it's most of them.

By #390287 at 16,Sep,14 02:59
i'm viewed mostly as a top, some guys surprise when i tell them i like to power bottom as much as i like to top.

By small_dik at 08,Sep,14 02:05 other posts of small_dik 
Anal sex with guys is about having your prostate stimulated for the bottom, not about a pecking order based on dick size. Anatomically, the prostate is only 2-3 inches inside most men, parallel with the colon (that's why a doctor can feel it with his finger during a prostate exam). So you don't necessarily need to have large dick to reach it. That means there's no reason a guy with a smallish dick can't be a top. The roles have more to do with preference, rather than size. Bottoms often like being bottoms, regardless of their dick size, same goes for tops. The point is why label yourself anyway?

By john12 at 05,Sep,14 01:27 other posts of john12 
You could be my top !

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