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broke my penis

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Started by #136427 at 06,Sep,14 03:07
Well, i did it. Broke my penis. Sprained it or something. Wife has been tired so ive been pounding off to all the pics on showyourcunt. I guess i did it to hard. But man was it and epic orgasm! My cock was throbin so hard, and was so fucking hard i thought it was going to bust out of its skin. Slipped my cock ring on and gripped it like i was trying to tear it off. Cum shot all over the room, on the chair, the wall, the floor, me... wow. I ****...

The next night i went to jerk off again and this time i noticed my cock was a little tender on the top right side. And a vein felt hard and knotty. All the way from my penis connects to my leg to just below the head of my dick. I rubbed one out but it was not any where to the blast the night before. If my penis falls off at least i did get one great last nut. Just wish it was in the old ladys face...

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By #136427 at 26,Sep,14 20:14
Still hirts, not as bad, dr said epiditymitis but im not sure if that is what it is. I think i fucked up the vein valve from the cock ring. Serves me right. I shouldnt have been using masturbation as an escape from my life. My wife hates me because i am an asshole. I work all the time. So her revenge is to cut off the pussy. Now, whatever. Im just a joke to her.
By #485312 at 05,Aug,15 09:08
that's one hell of a way to get screwed, pardon the pun, make you think twice before having a mega wank again...hope it healed and youre well on the way to getting laid again *lix*

By #136427 at 08,Oct,14 20:04
My dick finally stopped hurting, only took a month. In short dont use cock rings those things are evil!!!

By bigone21 at 09,Sep,14 22:28 other posts of bigone21 
well, if you "broke" your penis, you wouldn't go on and jerk off the next night!

of course, you can't "break" your penis, there is no bone in it to break, but you can have a penis-fracture.

if interested, have a look at Wikipedia "penis-fracture".

but as you don't mention "it" being ALL BLUE the next day, but started jerking off again, i think it's a matter of being just a little worn-off.

good luck anyway!
By #23212 at 10,Sep,14 08:07
Uh, well, perhaps you CAN break your penis?

--------------------------------------- added after 22 hours

Oh no, it disappeared!
Trying again:
[deleted image]
--------------------------------------- added after 407 hours

But seriously, virtually every man has experienced a sore dick from too much masturbation, at one time or other. NOT broken!!
By Blade at 24,Sep,14 02:14 other posts of Blade 
I love that pic!!!

By #136427 at 24,Sep,14 02:12
Went to the dr. He said i bruised my testicle. Had a fancy name for it. Time will make it better...

By #136427 at 20,Sep,14 11:59
Penis is ok, but now ive noticed my right testicle hurts. Not sure if they are related because my testicle did not hurt before. It is just the one on the right. Sometimes it is like ive been kicked sometimes it is just tingly. But is is constant discomfort. Going to the dr on tuesday. Anyone else just had a testicle start hurting?
By #183935 at 23,Sep,14 16:55
Probably a groin strain, but best to have it looked at. I'd happily look at it for you. Probably wouldn't help your problem get better, but could be fun
By #136427 at 24,Sep,14 02:11
Is that an offer to kiss it better?

By #136427 at 22,Sep,14 02:06
It is still fucked going to the dr on tuesday...

By #472683 at 10,Sep,14 18:44
I wish I could kiss it and make it better.
By #136427 at 11,Sep,14 03:40
That would help for sure...
By #472683 at 11,Sep,14 07:21

I hope you have some relief sooner than soon!
By #136427 at 11,Sep,14 12:05
It seems ok today. One more day off to be safe...

By #136427 at 10,Sep,14 04:54
Well it is almost better. Still sore, have not beat it in 2 days. This is harder than when i quit cigarettes! A few more days and i hope it will be all better.
i may as well just give up. I was only beating it so hard because the wife is always sleeping. That hasnt changed at all. She missed out on some great boners. Injust want to see how long i can go, before i have to jerk off or she actually wants sex...
--------------------------------------- added after 7 hours

Plus i think i have a problem, i like to cum too much. It is what hurt my penis to start with...

By Blade at 09,Sep,14 02:23 other posts of Blade 
Yes, you definately should see a DR. That is not normal. you can't break your penis, but you an pull it like a muscle, or worse yet, burst some **** vesels.

Friend in college bent his dick back during sex, and it 'snapped' (yes sorry, I'm cringing as I type this too) He went to school infirmary, and ended up being sent to hospital for exays, etc. He told me later that it popped becuase thats what happened to bloodvessels inside when bent too far. The damage is that those **** vessels get damaged and scar tissue, and won't be totally normal again. You could loose function in your erections, as those **** vessels won't fill with **** anymore.

He told me all that.. Dude, go see a DR, and please post on here what they said. I'm always conscience of doing that myself since meeting that **** in college, and hearing of his experience.

By #303133 at 06,Sep,14 11:00
You should NOT see a doctor! Where's the fun in that?
Just keep us updated on the progress of things as your wiener falls off...
By #136427 at 06,Sep,14 13:01
As of this am, i pretty sure it is not going to fall off. In fact it feels much better. But if it does take a tirn for tje worse because i cant keep my hand off it you will be tje first to know!

By #390287 at 06,Sep,14 04:43
You should definitely see a doctor. You might have posted as a joke, but the penis can actually break. You can damage some tendons of veins.
It's not going to fall off, but it is going to hurt like hell.
By #136427 at 06,Sep,14 05:02
No joke wish it was. It is a little better today. I need to leave it alone...

By #136427 at 06,Sep,14 03:17
Any ideas if i should lay off toughing it, or maybe just massage it gently with some lotion

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