Started by gradurgaur at 07,Sep,14 00:18  other posts of gradurgaur
Similar topics: 1.Iceland is going to HM 2018 in Russia. 2.Visiting Iceland is someone here coming to Iceland ? 3.Volcanic lava eurpt has started in Reykjanes pennsula in Iceland 4.Volcanic eruption may happen in couple hours or in few days but it will happen 5.Are you Visiting Iceland and want to have some fun New CommentComments: |
This is truly Mother Nature in her divine splendor!
this lava erupts have been going strong for 5 days now and it lock like it can go strong for long time
some experts say week even months
we are very happy becuse this is lava erupts
not ash Clowd or Sprengigos..
--------------------------------------- added after 6 minutes
the lava flow now span over in lenght of 1400 soccer fields