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Why Older People Can't Be Friends With A Younger?

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Started by #448946 at 10,Sep,14 03:20
I Ask Someone if We Can be Friends In This Page.. And He Says That He is More Younger Than Me And it was Creepy!

Similar topics: 1.Any older men looking for good time with a younger guy   2.any older men looking for a good time with a younger guy   3.younger or older ???   4.Older/younger   5.Older guys offended by younger guys not liking them  

New Comment

By #147052 at 12,Sep,14 15:04
"To have a friend, you first have to be one." -Emerson

By routemaster at 12,Sep,14 03:50 other posts of routemaster 
Where is there a rule that says an older person can't be friends with a younger person? Same goes for gay men like me having lady friends, I may not want to do anything physically with them but it doesn't stop me wanting to be friends even if only on a platonic basis. You don't HAVE to fancy someone to be friends with them

By #469430 at 10,Sep,14 17:13
I would love to get experience from older women! My cock is open to cougars!

By JeffinKS at 10,Sep,14 12:59 other posts of JeffinKS 
good grief.... what has happened to the English Language in this country...
"Matrix34 seems to be a male, 34 years old, gay, interested in men, claims to be living in United States and speaks English"
By bella! at 10,Sep,14 13:02 other posts of bella! 
Duh! He says he speaks English, not writes in English.
By JeffinKS at 10,Sep,14 13:03 other posts of JeffinKS 
OMG your so right...
By #356013 at 10,Sep,14 14:40
I can only hope that you typing 'your so right', as opposed to the grammatically correct 'you're so right', was an attempt at irony....
By bella! at 10,Sep,14 14:49 other posts of bella! 
You've got to know Lonewolf_ICT, he does have s wonderful sense of humor as well as an impeccable grasp of the English language. He was definitely being playful and ironic! Believe that!

Adult Discussion Forum