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Older guys offended by younger guys not liking them

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Started by up-for-it at 13,Oct,18 15:00  other posts of up-for-it
How do you feel as an older guy having a younger guy he doesn't like older or doesn't want to have sex with older guys?

For me i get it, there are things i am not attracked to and if a younger guy doesn't like older guys that means he just not attrackted to older!

I'm not offended or upset, that's how it is!

Similar topics: 1.Why do I love sex with Older Men!?   2.younger or older ???   3.Mature ladies   4.Old guys want my nice younger cock?   5.Older/younger  

New Comment

By #692011 at 11,Apr,23 00:13
I know how you feel I'm 75 and I like to suck a man's dick and I like to feel a hard dick in my ass. But to think how a 18 or 19 year dick gets so hard. I'd like to have a young friend. I'm looking for one now... Hope one hears id like to please dick and contacts me. But if not I still enjoy making any man's dick feel good. My way of making him feel young. And I'm not looking for anything in return. What I do for him makes me feel good.

By #61033 at 23,Feb,19 06:09
I cannot speak about younger guys because I am not that way inclined. I have been really lucky to have access to many younger girls because of our local university. Black girls here tend to favour older white guys so finding a younger girl is no problem. White girls do not usually like older guys and that no longer bothers me... I have more than I can handle already. I enjoy the younger girls eagerness and appetite for exploration. They may not be very experienced in the bedroom but they learn very quickly and are a pleasure to teach!
By up-for-it at 23,Feb,19 07:24 other posts of up-for-it 
I noticed that white young people tend to look in a different way at older people. Most younger guys that chat with me are coloured.

By #545468 at 23,Feb,19 04:37
Of course there are advantages to both. I am not offended. But I also sleep with a wonderful guy so I really don't care that younger guys aren't into us grey haired men.
By up-for-it at 23,Feb,19 07:08 other posts of up-for-it 
That's the only thing that matters;you are happy with who you sleep with,younger or older that doesn't matter when you are both enjoying it

By dgraff at 12,Feb,19 10:07 other posts of dgraff 
It don't offend me there's plenty of fish in the sea I have a 19 yr old who I sleep with every night he lives with me for the last year now
By up-for-it at 13,Feb,19 17:29 other posts of up-for-it 
Have lots of fun with your 19 year old.

By #275407 at 22,Feb,19 21:38
And he's Hott too
By dgraff at 23,Feb,19 03:49 other posts of dgraff 
And he's a fire cracker in the sack to

By onthelose at 22,Feb,19 21:35 other posts of onthelose 
My father in law once said . Just wait one day you will be old too. What wisdom from a man who never got beyond the sixth grade because he had to work on the farm.
By up-for-it at 22,Feb,19 22:20 other posts of up-for-it 
Yep we all get there , one day at a time!

By foreskinlover52 at 21,Feb,19 23:32 other posts of foreskinlover52 
I like older gents or my age group..The youngest ive been with was 38 and the oldest was 79 years..

By wycowboy at 11,Feb,19 15:09 other posts of wycowboy 
I'm older and prefer older. More experience, better sex!
By up-for-it at 11,Feb,19 17:13 other posts of up-for-it 
True, most of the time!
I do like sex with guys from both sides of the age difference!
By niceonebighead at 19,Feb,19 22:33 other posts of niceonebighead 
age & looks means nothing 2 me its about the cock luv big head 5--10 in

By olderbro at 12,Feb,19 17:25 other posts of olderbro 
I'm 53 and I still don't have any sexual interest in older men lol. I also have no interest in those who have no interest, so I totally get if younger guys aren't into older.
By up-for-it at 14,Feb,19 20:59 other posts of up-for-it 
Exactly, as much as i would like young men to be attrackted to me,i know i am not attrackted to all men so why should they be!

By toohey at 12,Feb,19 09:26 other posts of toohey 
Being older can mean many things. Often it means that you are not in as fit a shape as a typical young guy, but it doesn't have to. It can mean that your life's experience has given you a bit of wisdom and confidence that the young lack, but again that's not always the case. And then there's the often failing X-ray vision of the young: they tend to have a hard time looking beyond appearances. I don't blame anyone. Differences exist, as does excellence. We all try our best, and some may appreciate. That's life.
By up-for-it at 13,Feb,19 06:43 other posts of up-for-it 
I noticed that guys going for older do not go for looks,but mostly they are attrackted by another feature of older men.
By toohey at 13,Feb,19 06:50 other posts of toohey 
That's my impression too.

By JackHammer at 11,Feb,19 20:03 other posts of JackHammer 
I fully understand why younger might not like older. Most of us are not as good looking as we age. I do not get the least bit offended. Sexual attraction is greatly varied and individualized. As to the younger who do like older, damn I wish we were closer.
By up-for-it at 12,Feb,19 16:58 other posts of up-for-it 
I agree with what you say, aspecially the last sentence!

By #423426 at 11,Feb,19 17:56
You'd have to be pretty self obsessed to be actually offended. Frustrated maybe, but offended?
By up-for-it at 11,Feb,19 19:34 other posts of up-for-it 
That's why i posted this, i saw two reactions of guys who were offended by it.

By #577478 at 11,Feb,19 12:01
I'm 21 years old and I'm only interested in seniors. The older the better. My youngest sex partner was 52 and my oldest was 68. It's a great pleasure for me to make older men happy. Cause older men wanna have fun too. Their senior cocks need to get fondled by my young tongue.
By up-for-it at 11,Feb,19 17:20 other posts of up-for-it 
We sure do want to have fun, and we love playing with a young body!

I don't see myself as a senior yet though!

By t-rex at 19,Oct,18 14:20 other posts of t-rex 
Very true, it goes the same way with women too, some just don’t like older
By up-for-it at 11,Feb,19 17:15 other posts of up-for-it 
Yeah, it's all about preference, some do some don't!

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