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Natural & Unadulterated

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Started by #7976 at 17,Oct,14 20:00
There's nothing like a beautiful woman who hasn't scummed to the need to trim themselves to the smoothness of an adolescent girl, who has breasts without implants, who has never seen a tattoo or piercing parlor, and who embraces her beauty as nature intended.

So, for all those who agree or disagree, here's your chance to speak out. There are of course all types for all types but to me, all natural is the best type of all.

BTW, the same goes for men as well.

Similar topics: 1.Natural, Hairy, Trimmed or Shaved   2.Natural/Hairy/Bushy/Ungroomed Penises!   3.Tits, natural or man made?   4.natural or silicon plated breast??   5.Shaved or natural  

New Comment

By CreativeOne at 17,Oct,14 23:54 other posts of CreativeOne 
For me ... I like to keep my Boys , nice and smooth , but keep the rest nice and trim !

[deleted image]

Oh and You're right "BushPilot" , about seeing women in there Beauty as Nature intended . However ... The smooth look , really looks very nice too . I mostly like it smooth down there so when I lick down there , I can't gag on any pubes ...

[deleted image]
By #7976 at 18,Oct,14 00:36
As for myself, and everyone has their own opinion, but I've never gagged on a pube so far and the sweet smell of a bush covered in it's own juices and the texture as it tickles my nose and brushes my face overwhelmingly overshadows the odd loose pussy hair.
By #485312 at 07,Aug,15 12:15
its all a personal preference, l like to wax my pussy, or my bikini line would hang out the bottom of a pair of boy leg undies if l didn't, and love the sensation when its freshly done, like a form of mild pain for pleasure...l don't like tatts on girls, never have for myself, but don't mind a man with some honest and well inked skin men with piercings, especially nipple rings if they have big nipples...would love some more piercing for myself, but don't want to abstain for sex for them...*lix*

By bella! at 17,Oct,14 20:52 other posts of bella! 
I like my men to be neatly trimmed.

By #7976 at 18,Oct,14 00:32
Sorry sweety... I'm a man who's neatly furry and proud.

By #451452 at 19,Oct,14 20:49
Natural is not the only way, but it doesn't really matter, clean and healthy is most important. Nuclear submarine sailors dive deeper and stay longer. Bella for you my lady I would do whatever it tales to please you.

By #458576 at 19,Oct,14 12:35
like this ?

[deleted image]

By #447598 at 18,Oct,14 10:22
Pretty is pretty. Don't put limitations on it. (:

By #400852 at 18,Oct,14 00:57
love a girl with tattoos,just turns me on I think it is hot as hell and never could stand getting hair in my mouth,just my opinion,but in reality all women are beautiful

Adult Discussion Forum